Holy cow! It’s like a ghost town in here.
Tell me about it.
A number of posts (from page 1) that were either started or commented to over the past couple of hours (i.e. ~3PM-5PM EST) have been deleted in an attempt to “clean things up”. Just keep posting train related threads so that things get back to normal soon.
I do believe the troublsome weekend cause a drop in activity. Everyone was kinda bummed out after all the troll work. I’m sure we’ll get back to a normal week soon.
I think a few moved on to other sites and thinking of doing the same. Jeff really sorry about all the problems some idiots have been causing you about posting and such, and the personal attacts on others, who needs all of this, gads its only a hobby, take care…John
If anybody should be bummed out, it should be me. The guy was trying to smear my reputation, but I’m still here. It’s going to take something worse than trolls to run me off.
Way to add to the forum.
I won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
Are you talking to me?
Ted, check your PM’s.
This Too Shall Pass…
Always glad to know you’re here Jeff. In a strange way, you could feel somewhat flattered. Apparently you were constantly on the mind of this poor troll schmuck (whose manic-depressive writing pattern looked familiar).
You seem to be a cool minded, down to earth person BUT you certainly must have made one heck of an impact on this obsessed individual!
Sorry for adding a worthless topic. At the time, there were zero updates on page one. Now back to your regularly scheduled modeling.
They are probably jealous of Jeffrey. Jeffrey gets a lot of attention here and the troll feels he doesn’t deserve it. I bet the troll is a regular poster here.
Meanwhile, back at the roundhouse, my to do list is growing.
Happy Model Railroading.
we’re going to be smarter than what the simple trollers want to do and its waay too obvious what our “jeffery” is doing.
I hope you are here for many years to come, Jeffrey. You have excellent advise and always help others. I am back after a long absence because of the trolls and general foolishness. Perhaps this should be a subscription forum with a yearly fee. Free is sometimes too cheap. Best, Don
[#welcome] back, Don!
Yeah, I take my hat of to Jeff for all the abuse that he has taken and he isn’t running off like others who the trolling was even toward.
IMHO, it’s most likely one particular individual who drops in during the weekends frequently. He’s likely jealous because of the respect, and admiration that Jeffrey has here.
I’m not claiming to be always correct, but all you have to do is study a person’s (or troller’s) writing patterns and you can often pick him or her out. This person instantly flip-flops from cordial to “sewage nasty” and seems to take some pleasure in it. Plus the troller I have in mind has attacked our Jeffrey on this forum before. A sad, frustrated individual who likes to throw cowardly punches with a keyboard.