Diesel Time-Line Guide

Some years ago, perhaps nearly a decade now, MR published a very complete time-line bargraph or spreadsheet guide regarding the introduction year of various diesel locomotives and their typical service lifetimes.

Trying every combination of wording I could think of to ID this article, I was still unable to locate it in MR’s periodical index. Does anyone recall this article and which issue of MR it appeared in?


I’m not sure. Why don’t you pose the question directly to the Kalmbach staff. They should be able to hook you up. Just look to the left of this screen for links to the staff. I have always found them to be most helpful.
Todd C.

Hi.I remember the article but not the year.I have some Diesel Spotters Guides,are there any particular models you want to know more about?

Thanks for the offer to look up the loco’s I was concerned with, Joseph. In fact, after a long search I found a similar but more complete bargraph of loco service eras listed on another Website.


Glad you found it. I am interested in that too. Where did you find the list ?
