Diesel Warranties

Merry Christmas to all.

I was wondering what ,if any, type of warranty comes with new Locomotives? Are there differences between manufactures? Is it based on hours operated?


I believe the railroads have to do their own maitence, otherwise G.E would have gone out of buisness fixing all those engines!

Depends on the deal they cut with the manufacturer. Some UP units are stencilled “in warranty” or “under warranty,” don’t remember which.

John Timm

And many GE deals have come with GE maintainance programs. Not sure where but it seems like KCS / TFM and some BNSF units are maintained by GE with RR shop people.

We have GE shops on the property manned by BNSF mechanical personnel as Chad said

Do you know where Ironken? It seems to me like Barstow was one place GE worked out of.

Locomotive warranties are not simple direct statements as one would find in purchasing an automobile. An Warranty Claims get argued at high levels of both the manufacturer and the carrier.

I have heard that GE offered 20 CW44AC’s to CSX in settlement of warranty claims growing out of the operations of the CW60AC’s. In any event that was big bucks. Big bucks for CSX in dealing with locomotive failures, Big bucks for GE in ‘giving away’ 20 locomotives.

Was that the reason why on some of the CW60AC’s I’ve seen in Buffalo NY have a warranty year of 2002 …?