Is there a notable difference between a razor saw and a hacksaw ?
Is the kerf about the same ? I’m getting into some serious kitbashing,
and am condsidering how useful a razor saw might be.[?]
About the same as the differece between a chain saw and a steak knife. A good razor saw is a must. BTW, a cheap one isn’t worth bringing home. Fred
Along with what flee307 said, a razor saw has a much thinner blade, therefore, leaves a very thin kerf, as compared to a hack saw.
A razor saw is a must for both kit bashing and scratch-building. X-acto makes a good one. Be sure to get the miter box to go with it. It’s great for cut both 45 and perpendicular (90) degree cuts in your stock. I’ve cut plastic, wood, and metal with mine.
Hope that’s a help…
My razor saw has a thinner kerf and finer teeth than my hacksaw. It’s also shorter and easier to use on small pieces.
Razor saws can also be more readily flexed for cutting off objects like dowels close to the surface.
Thanks, Gentlemen ! I’m going to look for an X-acto model. Your comments
and promptness are all greatly appreciated ! [:)][tup]