Differences in Lionel switches?

Any opinions out there on the different Lionel 031 switches of recent production?

Specifically, there’s the 6-5132 series, then there’s the “022” 6-14062. At first glance, they seem pretty much the same. any experience with these out there?



While I am rusty on the item numbers, the O22 switches of recent years that are replicas of the post war versions work pretty well. The “shorty” version with a short straght and short curved filler tracks tend to be troublesome. I had some of those and had on-going derailment problems. They look good and offer more flexibility in track design but just don’t seem as reliable as postwar or modern O22 switches IMHO.

The O31 type switches have a lot more plastic, and aren’t nearly as reliable as O22s.

O31s are a textbook example of excellent design and idea, but poor execution.

If you’re given a choice between O31s and O22s, take the O22s.

The Doctor Is In !!! Just My Humble [2c], But I feel better using the old postwar O22
Switches. They are easy to repair and have not given me trouble(nayland smith has given me more trouble) Also you can buy junker switches and reuse most of the parts. I have been lucky in bringing back switches that were written off by the person selling them. Can the same be said for the “New” switches??? My vote, for what it is worth is: Stick to the tried and true. Older is better(most of the time) Till My Next Missive, I Remain
The Humble, Yet Strangly Evil Doctor[}:)] !!!