Digitrax Computer Interface

First, thanks to all who have helped me with my start into DCC! I have the Zephyr system, with two locos converted so far. I happened upon a schematic on the Team Digital support page (old link) for what appears to be a home built MS-100. I have access to the parts at work… I’m just wondering if anyone has tried to build this or use it? Thanks in advance for your help.


I built one and it works fine for me.

Welcome Eric, if you can build one more power to you and if parts are free, go for it. I bought the new Digitrax PR 3 for $59.99. Besides doing the MS 100 functions it can down load sound and program Digitrax sound decoders.

With the Internet time the PR 3 is getting, they should start flying off the shelfs.

Cuda Ken

Ken I also program QSI sound decoders with the PR3.

Thanks to Ken I bought the PR3, one of the best things since slice bread. I had to put it away for awhile. I’ve been working all winter on my scenery and an addition to my layout, playing with the PR3 I wasn’t getting anything done. About 2 weeks and I can start running trains again! Thanks Ken for advising me on it! Jim

Jack, Simon and I where wondering about programing QSI sounds I hate the sound of my Proto 2000 E-7 with QSI.

Jim, I will be hooking up my PR 3 Sunday, I had to work 6 days this week and pretty much bushed. Did you get your RSD 15’s? If so PM me and maybe we can talk again this Sunday.

I will see if I can scan some pictures of me and the Thompson and post them. [:D]

Your friend Cuda Ken

Ken, last Thursday I programmed one P2K RS10 and one P2K S8 with the PR3, a piece of cake.

I will try a Blue Line this Wednesday night I will let you know how it went.

I think Jack is talking about programming the CV’s in QSI sound decoders with the PR3, not downloading the actual sounds.

Absolutely csxrobert, sorry if I was misleading. The PR3 will only download Digitrax sound.


I am also thinking of getting a PR3. Am I correct that this allows one to use a laptop (or any PC) to program any NMRA complient decoder (sound or not)? Does this adaptor also allow you to run your trains with the PC?



It allows you to program the CV’s on just about any DCC decoder. I say “just about” because I (and nobody I know of) haven’t tried programming “all” DCC decoders. But it’s made short work of anything I’ve tried so far.

However, it will only download sound to Digitrax decoders. That’s because there are no NMRA specs for that, so each manufacturer uses their own method.

If you mean when connected to a Digitrax DCC system, the answer is Absolutely Yes.

If you mean stand-alone, I’ve heard that it has enough “oomph” to drive a loco. However, I have never tried doing that with mine so I can’t say for sure one way or the other.


In stand-alone mode with a sound decoder it will drive the loco for a brief moment before tripping. After a few seconds the loco can again be driven for a brief moment before tripping and so on.

I did not try with a non sound decoder.

Todd, I am sort of the wrong person to ask, but from what I have read and seen the PR 3 with the right free software will let you run your train from your computer. Depending on how complicated you may want to get like running 2 to 3 engines on a line, pre program turnouts and the like you will need other bench hardware like detection blocks and decoders for turnouts. It is the starting point for computer control.

Far as thinking about, don’t just get it. I may never go computer control but hope to. But, it will make changing CV’s so much easier.

Cuda Ken

Todd if you want to run your trains with a computer and even using PR3 you have to download “JMRI Decoder Pro”. The JMRI program contains 2 parts Panel Pro and Decoder Pro. Here’s a video link I think you might enjoy and see how simple it is to use. Watch all 4 video’s, very informative. They show you step by step how to build your roster and even control everything including speed, operate turnouts, simple consisting, layout lights, etc. via computer. I won’t be hooking up to a computer anytime soon to run my layout but I do appreciate the speed of adjusting cv’s. I have a 2 ft piece of track on a 1x4 and just hook up the decoder pro and plug it in the USB on the computer and “play”. It’s great!

Oh and by the way, they keep adding decoders to JMRI and other goody’s almost ever couple of weeks, so make sure you check in on their web site once in a while and download the updates, very important. I am just starting with it and followed the instructions to download the 2.4A, I believe version, which they recommend for beginners.


Ken did you get my PM ???

If you scroll down on the digitrax site it explains using the JMRI Decoder Pro FREE download, and with the PR3 you can adjust cv’s in most sound decoders, some I never heard of. Here is a list of the decoders that have been tried and work with the program:


The distinction here, as was mentioned in an earlier response, is that you can program (i.e. change, read CVs) any sound/nonsound decoder with a PR3 but you can only download new sound files to Digitrax decoders. This is because each manufacturer has their own format for changing sound files on their decoders. With Digitrax sound decoders you can also test the function keys, throttling up the unit to hear the different sounds etc…

I watched the JMRI videos and I am sold. I will definetely pick up a PR3. Do I also need to purchase another power supply to run the PR3? If so, how much are they?


Todd go here, this is where I got mine and it was $10.95 and I received in in about 3 days!


Digitrax recommend the PS14 at $12.95 US. One could find it for $10.00 US street price. A power supply with the same output can be purchased for 4.95$ CND, from an electronic outlet.