Digitrax decoder will not stay programmed to any address

I have a Bachmann EZ Command controller with 2 Bachmann decoders and one Digitrax DH 123 decoder, that work great, my problem is with my new Digitrax DZ

That should tell you something about the capability of the EZ Command.

I have one. It came with my grandchildren’s Toy train set. It’s in a box up on a shelf somewhere. It surrendered it’s duties to a Digitrax Super Chief many moons ago.

I agree. There’s nothing wrong with it but it’s a starter set. Just one of the things you have to put up with. They’ll run forever though.

I don’t know all the ins and outs of the EZ-Command, but I do know that it is severely (I would call it “catastrophically”) restricted in what it can do with your average decoder. I had not understood that setting addresses was one of them, so I guess it really might be the decoder…unless you are forgetting to set CV29 to the appropriate number to enable long addresses if a long address is what this decoder is meant to take for your purposes.

I had only understood that setting other CV’s, such as for V-Start, momentum, and such, was the Achilles Heel of the EZ-Command.

The only programing of which the EZ Command is capable is setting the address from 1 to 9. It can run one analog (DC) engine on 10, which is really 0. It is not capable of setting any other CVs and is not capable of 4 digit addressing. It can operate functions from 1 to 10.

I have never seen the newer Dynamis in person, so I do not know it’s capabilities.

That all doesn’t address the problem though. It obviously accepts the programming, or it wouldn;t work at all. It also seems the decoder works fine if it can be programmed on an NCE system and remember the settings. The thing is, if it accepts the address from the bachmann, it’s already ‘remembered’ it - there’s no ‘save’ function on a decoder. It’s not that the decoder is locked, if it was locked, it wouldn;t accept the address at all. If the decoder would ‘forget’ after being programmed on the NCE I’d just say it’s a bad decoder. Truly a wierd problem.


Finally decided to call Digitrax, explained my problem, they said they send me a new one, no question asked!!!

I thought that was very nice of them, should have done that first.

Thanks for all of your input.

Glad Digitrax is going to take care of the problem. I run some DZ 125’s in my Blue Line, while I was running my E-Z never had a problem with the address staying set.

Cuda Ken