Digitrax DIGSDH164K1A or Digitrax DIGSFX064D?

Good day.

I want to transform my athearn gp40-2w from dc to dcc.

I have the option to buy one of these decoders but dont know which one is the right one for me.

I have read that the DIGSDH164K1A have motor control and the DIGSFX064D does not.

I need the one that have 4 functions so that I can control other lighting such as beacon/ditch lights.

-Which one would you people suggest?

-Which one is the best value for money?

-Which one sounds better etc?

Thank you

I can’t say I would buy either, honestly. Neither sounds very good and you need motor control. So if you buy the one without motor control you need a motor control chip also. For motor control, go with a TCS chip or a digitrax chip(which as I recall may be required to mate with the sound chip, I don’t recall since it’s such old technology and been many years since I’ve put one in). For sound, I would go with Tsunami or secondly Loksound. Many might switch the order of the last two. Sorry, but you get what you pay for with sound decoders. Also, you need a good speaker and you need to enclose it properly as per the instructions in the Tsunami manual or similar.


You’ll want the one with motor control. However, I’m not really sure how “good” Digitrax decoders sound in the first place, as compared to one of the higher-end sound decoders (Tsunami, Loksound, others that I’m probably forgetting).

The “sound-only” decoder is intended for dummy units (e.g. a B unit in an A/B set).

The SDH164K1A is a board replacement decoder for the Kato AC4400. Not your best solution. The SFX064D is a sound/light function only decoder(to be used in conjunction with an existing motor function decoder).

There are lots of sound decoders available. ESU-LOK has very good sound decoders(with great motor control). Digitrax’s new line of sound decoders are a vast improvement over their old line(as far as sound goes). i have installed the SDH166D in several of my Atlas GP38/39’s and the motor control/sound is great. They also have 6 function outputs for lighting effects. They have the usuak BEMF/Supersonic motor controls.

The Digitrax sound decoders have a limited set of sounds delivered with the decoder. They do not have an EMD V-16 645E turbo sound package installed. There is is a correct sound package available from the Digitrax Yahoo Group, but you will need the Digitrac PR-3 programmer hooked up to a computer to download the sound package into the decoder. Or maybe you dealer can do that for you. The supplied Digitrax harness can be removed and the Athearn 9 pin quick plug can be plugged directly into the decoder(unless they have changed it).


The old 8 bit sound decoders were rather ‘lame’ in the sound department. The current 16 bit sound decoders like the SDH166D are full 16 bit sound, and come with a nice speaker. Even the old decoders can be improved greatly by replacing that round 32 ohm speaker and downloading a good sound project into the decoder. One of the usual complaints about the original Digitrax 8 bit sound decoders was the low volume of the actual sound. Replacing the supplied 32 ohm speaker with a decent 16 ohm speaker did wonders. I have 3 Kato SD40-2’s with the original 8 bit decoder

Loksound select is my choice for sound…,…Digitrax isn’t on my radar for any sort of decoder. David B

My choice is the QSI TITAN with STEREO Speakers and Emulation Mode unabled!

I wouldn’t even consider the LOC sound as I have DONE a side by side compairson with it and the QSI Titan !

LOC isn’t even the same town let alone in the same Ballpark!

BOB H - Clarion, PA

Big D really has model numbers that long?[:O] They’re gonna have to be careful, pretty soon no one will be able to tweet them…not sure how abbreviating one of those is gonna work if you need a correct part number. [;)]

QSI and FAKE sound…gotta love it! David B

That’s the full part number for some reseller, they are just like DH166K1, or SDXH164A0. If you are going to use Digitrax sound decoders, always get the SDX ones, those are the 16 bit with more simultaneous sounds and LOTs more memory. Then promptly ditch the included sound set and use on of the ones that John McMaster has created that actually takes advantage of the improvements in the X series sound decoders. The new decoders can load the old 8 bit sound projects but they sound even worse than they did on the original decoders. Proper 16 bit recordings sound a lot better.


Obviously YOUR own point of view

Which Just like belly buttons - Everyone has one but totally worthless!

BOB H - Clarion, PA

Thank you for all the replies people.

I agree they do sound horrible.

So i decided to get a DH165AO decoder instead.


I have both Loksound and QSI stereo and they both sound fine to me. Personally I’m kind of sold on the Loksound motor control, but that may be my belly button speaking.[swg][(-D][(-D][(-D]



David’s worst nightmare !
