does sombody now which developments DIGITRAX is planning for the future ?
Will DIGITRAX introduce devices which can be updated by the user via internet.
This is standart nowadays in europa.
does sombody now which developments DIGITRAX is planning for the future ?
Will DIGITRAX introduce devices which can be updated by the user via internet.
This is standart nowadays in europa.
I think your question should be directed to Digitrax, because they’re the only ones who can answer it.
Most DCC manufacturers don’t reveal their future plans out of fear of competitors beating them to the draw. A case in point is the SoundTraxx Tsunami sound decoder development. SoundTraxx announced what they were planning to do, and another manufacturer hired away their chief development guru and beat them to the market.
Some US companies do offer Internet upgrades or sound files for their decoders, and have done so for a couple of years already.
The only new thing that I know about is the duplex radio throttle (DT402D) and the new UR93 (transmitter/reciever) that goes with it.
The future DT402D is a DT400 with two-way communication added, and will be offered as an factory upgrade to existing DT400’s. Once you plug in the first time you power up your layout, you won’t have to plug in again. So making or breaking MU’s, reading decoders, selecting locos, etc. can be done wirelessly. This will also allow for the use of cab signals provided you have all that wired into your layout.
For rumors, there is some whispering about a DT500 throttle, but no word on it’s capabilities or it’s form factor, other than it may include F13 to F28.
I doubt Digitrax will offer downloadable upgrades since they don’t really need to. The DCS100 Chief has been out for well over 10 years, and has only ever had one upgrade shortly after it came out. Other systems need constant upgrades to keep up with technology, while Digitrax and their LocoNet just need the new item plugged in.
Paul A. Cutler III
Weather Or No Go New Haven
Hi Paul,
thanks very much for your in detail answer to DIGITRAX future developments.
Sorry for my possibly bad english.
Hi cacole,
thanks also to you for your in detail answer.
Most DCC manufacturers don’t reveal their future plans out of fear of competitors beating them to the draw.
The DCC manufacturers here in germany also don´t like to reveal their future plans for the same reasons as you mentioned.
And the upgrade was only needed to accommodate the higher number of functions made available when the NMRA revised RP 9.2.1.
That upgrade also future-proofed Digitrax command stations even more by making the higher functions “pass-through”. That’s why you can already access functions 13- 28 with a Digitrax command station using (for example) JMRI.
Their playable F2 is another example of Digitrax’s future-proofing. It’s been in the DT400’s all along, just never documented and turned off by default until a decoder came along that could take advantage of it. No fiddling with buttons and thumbwheels at the same time, either. Just a single, pressure-sensitive button.
Who knows what other goodies AJ has tucked away for us, just waiting for when the time is right? [swg]
Digitrax has a Video that talks about all of their new developments and about the new Duplex Radio throttle it was made this year and it is in 6 segments and each segment is about 15-18 minutes in length http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/digitrax_2008 I hope it is ok that I provided a link
All of the new dupex radio throttles will include F13 -F28. That incudes UT4’s and DT400’s that are sent in for conversion. Any UT4 or DT400 will be upgradeable to duplex radio with F28. Pricing is still TBD.
I asked A.J. about a DT500 throttle, he said there is no such animal. That was what we were speculating the new duplex throttle would be. He threw us a curve calling it DT402.
You may have noticed that the PR3 is housed in the same plastic box that is used for DS64’s. A.J. said that he plans to get a lot of use out of that mold over the next few years. Look for upgrades on some of the oldest items as well.
could you ask AJ please if the DT300’s and 100’s will be upgradeable to duplex radio?? i can’t think why not as the radio they have now fits in everything, so the duplex that presumably fits in the same area in the throttles ought to fit everything the current radio does?? but is that the case and will they upgrading my DT100R’s if i send them in??? i realise it would not give access to the higher functions as the buttons aren’t there, but the rest should be ok??
DT300 and DT100 can’t be upgraded. Both throttles and their component parts (the important ones) have been discontinued.
Hi BLinny7,
thanks for providing the link.
I watched the video with very much interest.
The question which J am interestet in can the duplex throttle be used in germany.
AJ said nothing obout which band the duplex throttle uses.
Or did I miss hearing it ??
ESU will bring out the ECoS Control Radio which uses 2.4 Ghz this means it can also be used in the states.
But it will only work with the ECoS Command Station together.
The rumor is the Digitrax duplex radio will be in the 2.4 Ghz range.
It’s definitely 2.4Ghz. Legal in Europe.
my point was that they all use the same radio now ( i assume its the same physical item ) so why could the duplex not be retrofitted in the 300 and 100? the fact they are obsolete doesn’t mean they cant be upgraded surely?? unless something else needs changing too which is no longer available?? perhaps nievely i thought is was just a matter of unplugging the old radio unit and plugging in a new one??
My point is that the parts to repair a DT300 or DT100 are no longer available. Accepting one for upgrade would force a warranty on a throttle that could not be repaired. Any reputable company would include a warranty. Damage a component while upgrading and the whole works is trash. Part of which belongs to a customer.
There’s also the FCC thing. Each type of device would need to be tested and licensed.
This all assumes that the radio part takes up the same space and holes on the circuit board and that Digitrax will be replacing only the radio part. My guess is the upgrade will be a new board and components slapped into the existing case. Radio is already tuned or whatever they have to do to make it legal. Add a new label on the front and it’s done.
Hey Santa Claus if my memory serves me correctly in one of the segments it mentions that Digitrax has already received approval or is in the process of receiving approval for the new 2.4 GHZ duplex radio in Europe and here in the US
oh well, DT402’s all round then and a couple of UT4’s radios for the little erks.
One if the nice things about Digitrax is the system is upgradeable. I purchased my radio chief over ten years ago. It has worked great, however I recently sent the command station (DCS100) to Digitrax to upgrade the functions. The cost was $50.
My radio chief came with a DT-100R. I later purchased an additional DT-100 and had it converted to radio. Over the past then years, I have also purchased two DT-300R and have a DT-400R. I plan to convert to the new duplex radio. All that I will need to do is purchase the new duplex receiver and the new throttles. All of my older throttles work great. They will remain in service along side the newer equipment.
Hi BLinny7,
you wrote:
That´s good news to me.[:)]
This means I did missed hearing it. [|)]
Hi mfm37,
as I already mentioned to BLinny7 this is good news to me. [:)]