I have most of my signals built and installed on my layout. I am in the process of soldering the lead wires to the Digitrax signal masts so they can be plugged-into the driver ribbon cables.
What I am trying to figure out is I know there are 8 driver inputs on the SE8C. Each driver controls 4 signal heads. Do I want to group the signals together per turnout to each driver, or do I want to take each block and connect them to the driver inputs?
I will have JMRI control the signals through LocoNet, just need some input on the actual connections.
Thank you.
I have honestly done both as it has fit the situation. The majority are grouped per turnout, however I do have a couple odd ball signal locations (a triple mast for example) and single mast. This I grouped together as one set so I wouldn’t waste an output. The signals are physically about 8 feet apart in opposite directions. it took a little creative cabling to get them like that.
These little guys make it plug and play https://www.peconnectors.com/male-idc-headers-plugs-.100/hws15911/ It is the male version of the IDC connectors so that you can have parallel cables and not have to run to serially to all the signals.
I am not associated with the site but have had really good service from them and they are way cheaper that digikey or mouser.
My other thing is that i have a combo of both 3 light signals and searchlight. These have to be grouped as well. Outputs 1-4 and 5-8 can be set independently from each other (ie 1-4 can run 3-light signals and 5-8 can run search light). The only thing you can’t do it have both types on a single bank ( a bank being 1-4 or 5-8).
I hope this info helps. Please let me know if you need any additional information.