Digitrax soundbug problems

Hi all,

I have fitted a Digitrax sound bug to an HO loco with a DH165AO host decoder all worked well but i found the speaker wont fit in the cab with the Bachmann chassis so i cut the speaker off intending to mount it in a car behind the loco as an alternative.

I did test the decoder after fitting lights to it, then on to soldering up the speaker again and now i cant get any sound from the speaker at all though lights /motor are fine.

Is it possible may have damaged the bug not having the speaker hooked up, my control is NCE powercab, in the bug instruction it states F8 is ‘mute’ but if i go to press F8 nothing appears in the display or changes but the decoder will read CV’s clicking after each read.

Any help would be greatfully recieved as its my first install of sound.

Many thanks.

Did you program the address of the soundbug to match the address of the motor decoder in the engine? If not, the Sound Bug will probably still be at the factory default of address 3. The two decoders are separate pieces of equipment. The only connection between them is for power. Try setting your throttle to 3 and see if the Sound Bug will respond to that.

Have you tried doing a reset of the decoder? The directions should tell you how to do this. When you reset it, the address will revert to 3. You should be able to test it using address 3 to verify that it’s all working.

I don’t think you could damage the decoder running it without a speaker, unless you accidentally connected the speaker leads together.

ANd when you reprogram things, there’s no need to separate them or lock the motor decoder. Digitrax made sure that hte only CVs that overlap between the motor decoder and the Soundbug are the ones related to address. You cna program sound settings without fear of messing up the motor portion, and vice-versa.
