This is an overview about programming Digitrax SoundFX decoders. After reviewing the existing sound project examples, one comes to realize the only limit to their functions, other than memory size, is our own imagination. It is possible to program any function key to perform an action, even depending on whether the loco is idle, moving forward, or in reverse.
I’ve taken an existing sound project sample file, from the yahoo support group, and modified it for use in my AC4400 which does the following:
Pressing F2 when the loco is idle and in forward, results in two toots.
Pressing F2 when the loco is idle and in reverse, results in 3 toots.
F2 Horn works normally when the loco is moving.
F7 is the grade crossing horn with ringing bell, the bell stops when F7 is pressed again.
F10, F11, F12 are used for cab chatter - voice instructions recorded from rail traffic heard thru a scanner.
The horn sound I used was obtained from the internet.
Part 1 - The Basics
Hardware Requirements:
A computer with a serial port.
A Serial to USB converter, if your pc doesn’t have a serial port (Startech USB to RS-232 Serial DB9 adapter works, with the correct driver).
Digitrax PR2 Programmer.
Digitrax PS12 12v power supply, you may have a 12v 300ma one onhand for some other device which could be used.
A piece of track.
Digitrax decoder - I used an SDH104K1A+FN04K1 Combo installed in an HO Kato AC4400.
Software Requirements:
MS Windows, XP or Vista work well.
SoundLoader software downloaded for free from the Digitrax website along with any of the existing sample sound projects in the SoundDepot . To create ones own sounds, download and install the free version of WAVEPAD from .
No problems were encountered installing any of the software mentioned in this note. The PR2 requires a serial port on the pc or