Digitrax UT-4 Question

Hey guys (and girls, I guess)

As of last night … I’m a newbie to model railroading. I now own a Digitrax Super Chief system, that was used one day this past Christmas morning on a little test track. Now its mine!

I’ve been doing much reading, but here goes question number 1 …

the new utility throttle from Digitrax … UT-4 … can I control stationary decoders with it? I would want to operate switches on the layout with it.


Nope. The UT-4 was built based on Digitrax user recommendations posted on the Yahoo Digitrax group, and is designed as a simple locomotive-only throttle. No fancy features.


The UT-4 is a great little throttle, but control switches it does not. I’m not bothered as I use manual throw anyway.

Wow, what a quick response! Thank you, Randy and Simon.

That’s a bummer. For what I want to do, I would like three of those utility/yard/one-big-knob throttles (but with stationary decoder control) … I guess like what NCE offers.

Let me ask you something else … do people sell stuff here? I really don’t want to get involved with ebay or stuff like that. Are there regulars here on this forum that might want to buy it from me? Or is that frowned upon here?

It was bought before Christmas by my brother. He had big plans, but then he realized that he and his kids had neither the time, or real interest in it, at this time. He ran an engine around a test loop Christmas morning; and the componets, including the power source, has just sit in a box since. I’m an easy person to deal with.


Ken, Click on my e-mail link at the bottom of the message and send me an off list e-mail, I may be interested. You are not supposed to sell on the forum itself, otherwise it would turn into a selling free for all!!

If you want to have the feel of a “big knob” throttle and be able to control switches, then you can use the UT-1 throttle. The UT-1 does throw up to 99 stationary decoders. However, it’s only 2-digits and it is not wireless.

Paul A. Cutler III

Weather Or No Go New Haven