Digitrax UT4D Throttle Function Controls

I was considering a UT4D throttle to use on a loco that is currently used only as a road switcher sitting on a siding making crew sounds. The loco is a BLI ALCO RSD15 Paragon2.

The problem (I just discovered) is that the UT4D has only Function Controls for F0 - F12. The Paragon2 sounds for crews, station, background, etc are all in the F20+ range which is apparently outside the capability of the UT4D.

Any work around for this? Do I have to re-map the Function Control assignments on the loco? I’m not even sure if that can be done.

(FWIW ~ just another in a long series of complaints regarding DCC manufacturers making the same old **** for a couple decades without any improvements)

The UT4 was originally designed as a basic throttle before decoder manufacturers went up to 28 functions. The “D” (duplex) was added later.

So no, it doesn’t have the ability to go above F12. If you need those functions, you’ll have to remap them if the Paragon2 allows that.

Luckily, the only thing they put up there normally is the unrealistic junk sounds just for the sake of having them, so it never bothers me. Whistle/horn, bell, and headlights. Brake and maybe manual notching. All fits in 0-12.

The DT402 does all 29 functions. Like every other brand’s throttle, to access the higher functions requires a shift function of sorts - there’s not one DCC system that makes this super easy and if there was, then everyone would complain that it has way too many buttons, because you’d need 29 just for the function keys, plus all the normal operating buttons. Again, there’s no point is making a crazier more complex throttle by ANY DCC manufacturer - it’s already been done, use a smartphone and JMRI. The innovation HAS happened.

And again, so far the only use for those upper functions has been silly stuff like station announcements (maybe ok if you model the exact towns they put in the announcements!) and int he case of MTH - train wreck sounds. Really? And in some cases, they put stuff in just to put it in, like various automatic horn sequences - why, because you can’t press F2 in the proper pattern for a grade crossing? The fact that there are even 29 functions is itself proof that DCC has evolved - originally it was only 8, then 12, anf finally 29. So how do these ‘superior’ systems handle having 29 or more functions? How many buttons are on those controllers? 12v DC has been the standard since just after WWII, and plenty of people have and continue to run large railroads this way. I’ve said it before - this whole mentality that things need to change every year, or atleast every other year, is a load of garbage consumerism that has been drilled into the heads of the population by various corporations, especially cell phone makers. It used to be cars, then the automakers started going several years between major changes and people started keeping their cars longer. Now with things like cell phones, it’s worse than f

Well said Randy



You mean you haven’t pre-ordered the iphone 7 yet?


Some of us haven’t even pre-ordered a smartphone yet…[%-)]

Best rant of the year, Randy. [Y]


Nope, still rocking my 5S, it works perfectly fine. I’ve never pre-ordered any, I just wait until the initial rush dies down and they are in stock so i just walk in and walk out with a new phone, no waiting in line, no going back 5 times because they are out of stock. There’s very little if anything I just HAVE to have the day it comes out. Even “limited release” locos - a year later I’ll find one on eBay for 40% or more off MSRP.


LG 840 Trac Phone with camera and triple minutes for life.[:-^]