I’ve asked this question of a number of modelers and always get very biased answers, If you own it you love it. I’ve had my hands on both throttles and there are very nice things about both, but I finally need to decide on one or the other. Reasons I find for each:
Digitrax DT402D:
Good: Computer connection through the PR3, programming decoders and running a second loco.
Loconet connection so everything is connected together.
Bad: The hand held throttle is awkward to hold with little buttons and knobs.
NCE Power Cab:
Good: Beautiful one handed throttle with thumb wheel for speed and well identified large buttons.
Our club layout uses the radio controlled Power Cabs.
Bad: No computer interface for my home layout.
It’s down to the wire here. I have most of my engines wired for DCC and do own a Zephyr, but want to go wireless and use my PC to run a second engine. I’ve heard rumors that NCE may have a computer interface in the works, but nothing for sure. Any suggestions that will tip the scales are greatly appreciated. I know you love what you own, but why?
A slight correction. NCE already has an RS-232 serial port connector on the back of their PH Pro Command station for a computer interface There is also a USB Interface board available for the Power Cab.
I just scanned the NCE site and noticed the USB interface. It also states that the JMRI Decoder Pro program will work with the NCE system. Has anybody had any experience with this system they can share? This may well be the answer to my system selection dilemma. [8-|]
Why don’t you just add a PR3 to your Zephyr, it just plugs into the Loconet giving you the PC interface and JMRI control. Then plug a UR92 into the loconet and add a wireless throttle and you have everything you asked for. My Zephyr is the command station in just such a setup.
Re-reading your original post, I suspect that perhaps this is exactly what you are considering? If you decide you prefer the NCE route then you will probably be able to sell your Zephyr without much problem.
One thing you do need to be sure of is to make sure that the NCE Powercab meets your expansion needs and what that entails. The PowerCab experts need to chime in here, but I think that adding the USB PC interface and the wireless transmitter may mean that you have to add the SB3a booster as well?
Now, again re-reading your email, much as I love my Digitrax system, it I were in your shoes and a frequent attendee at the club I would convert to NCE at this point so that my home throttle would work at the club.
I have a Power Cab and the USB Interface but I’ve only played around with the latter a little bit. Decoder Pro seemed to work fine but I was still trying to figure it all out.
Keep in mind that both of the NCE interfaces have limitations:
The PH Pro’s built-in serial interface does not echo throttle traffic. Depending on what you wish to accomplish with your computer connection, that “omission” could be significant.
If you want a complete interface, with virtually no limitations no matter which of their systems you use it with, Digitrax’s LocoNet with either a PR3 or LocoBuffer is the way to go.
I’m a little confused here, and I think we need to be sure we are talking about apples and apples.
Unless there is a new product in the PowerCab line that I’m not aware of, what your club is using is a radio ProCab, not a PowerCab. So if you buy the PowerCab, you can use that at the club but you have to plug it in. It will work the same as the ProCab, but does not have the radio feature.
I have the Power Cab with the USB port and an extra throttle. Works fine with decoder pro and you can use the Decoder Pro as an extra throttle but the Power Cab will only accept 1 additional throttle. Two on the Power Cab to toggle back an forth and one extra. I never tried to automate the Decoder Pro throttle.
The Power Cab is all I need on my small 5’ X 30’ layout.
Tom, thank you for that information. I just called NCE and asked how much that conversion would cost. Larry at NCE said that the cost would be $89.95. In addition, the conversion includes the internal antenna.
I find the DT40x throttles easy to hold with one hand and turn the knob with my thumb, and click it for reversing. It falls easily to hand - I picked up a ProCab and it’s HUGE, and I’m a big guy with big hands.
If you have an iphone/ipod touch/Android phone, get a PR3, hook your computer up to the Zephyr via JMRI, and you have wireless throttles.
I believe I mis-spoke. The club is running the Pro Cab-R, which is what I would be purchasing.
I think my first priority is a throttle that is comfortable to hold with buttons and knobs that are easy to work, with one hand. Of secondary importance is the Computer interface. My model RR club NCE throttle interface is also important, but somewhat less than the first two as they supply throttles for running sessions.
After spending some time at the NCE web site I am a little discouraged by the lack of clear information for new users. They reference a “System Reference Manual” but I can’t find it anywhere on the site. I’m also unclear what an AIU is or how it fits into a system.
I’ve logged into the NCE-DCC yahoo group and hope to get some clarification there.
Personally, I use a Digitrax UT4R to run with, and steal a 400/402 to program or consist, then go right back to my UT4R. In either case, I prefer the palm-sizers to the bigger controls. The UT4 has the same large nob and directional flipper. It’s downside, is you cannot turn off the track power, consist, or program, but for just running, I don’t think it can be beat. Or rather, one could likely beat it with a baby sledge and she’ll still work.
In fact, word is that the UT4 was design specifically so it could run trains, and ijits couldn’t be able to fubar the layout programming. You get stop, go forward, go back, and the noisemaker buttons. That’s it.
The one thing I did like when I used a guy’s NCE was the Macros option. Instead of throwing one switch at a time, you could prgram entire switch routes to a single number, and out of his staging yard, that was a handy thing. As far as hand-fit, the NCE version of the UT4 was nice, but I couldn’t quite so mindlessly run it at the side of my leg like I could the Digitrax. As you say though, Bias.
My advise: Anything you need a 40X for, your computer can do. If you want a wireless throttle, get the UT4. Leave the fancy junk in the programming area. Unless you’re running 28function MTH equipment, the UT4 will do what you need and then some.
I don’t have any problems with my DT400’s either and I have big hands too. What about Blackberry’s? Is there an app for them as well. My wife might get a little upset if I steal her iphone, lol.
As you must know by now, I own both a Digitrax and an NCE system. I did briefly compare both a DT400 and a PowerCab for size and surprisingly, except for the display area, they are almost the same with (spelling for wide?) and thickness. I also found the PowerCab to be light and I could hold it in my hand all day long without any problem.
I use both the DT400 and the PowerCab with one hand and with either the right or left hand doesn’t matter. The only throttle that doesn’t feel right in my hand it the MRC, it is really wider than the others.
The Digitrax DCS100 command station has similar turnout support, but they call it “routes” instead of “macros”. I believe the difference is that NCE’s macros can also contain commands other than switch commands. But for your example (a yard throat) there is no difference.
And if you use DS64’s to control your turnouts, they also have route capability, including cascaded (nested) routes.