DioRama Completed (Pics)

My wife is a Florida State Trooper and we were transferred to the Florida Keys 16 months ago from Pensacola Fl. I built a 14 x 12 ATR layout knowing it would be dismantled within 2 years so I crammed as much track on the layout as I could . I haven’t done any scenicing (sp) for the same reason. Unfortunately my favorite part of the hobby is the scenicing. So to scratch that itch I decided to build a 20 in X 40 in diorama to exercise my scenicing skills (which are marginal). Another function of the diorama is a photo backdrop for taking pics of my rolling stock to include in my computerized inventory program “Yardoffice”. A great program for 20 bucks.
Anyway hope you enjoy the tour. Not real happy with the water. Not a product problem (WS) but operator difficulty I will do better next time. Still have to put in the barbed wire fence before the horses and cows wander onto the track and get smushed.
As this is a test project any feedback would be appreciated.

Smokies busy today with a couple of trouble makers.

I am going to add some ground level trees and hills on the backdrop so it blends in better.

You will find items on this layout dating from the 50’s to 2006. I model the 50’s NYC/NKP but I couldn’t pass up the FHP cars I found.

This deputy will soon be joining the ranks of the FHP. You can see him in the Felony stop pic wearing his new uniform. Need to find some female Law enforcement people. Anyone seen any online??

Nice scene. I like the finished scene as well as the progress shots.

Really nice. I think the whole scene with the troopers is superb. We’re looking forward to seeing some trains running through lots of scenery like that.


Hopefully, you can drop it into your layout.

Tks for looking guys. And Mr B I am pretty anxious to get to my new and hopefully final layout soon myself. My neighbor and I just finished a project. It is a quarter round Helix templet. Double track. the inside trk is 28 in rad and the outside is almost 32 in rad. Don’t know if I will ever be able to use it but the plan is to buy a house with a good sized layout room. I am planning a two level. All the hard work is done with the Helix templet. Been looking forward to this for a very long time. Thanks for letting me blab.

Thanks for showing the progress pictures. I’m at the blue foam stage, so I’m having to make a mental picture of the next step. Seeing your photos gives me encouragement that I’ll get to the scenery soon! Excellent dioroma, by the way.

Do you know what I like most when I see other people’s work? It’s when you can look at picture, and without being told it’s discription, be able to envision the whole story that the artist wanted to convey. I believe you’ve accomplished that with this scene!

PS: Hope that cop remembers to read the speeder his Maranda Rights before booking him!

Have fun…

Thank you everyone and in particular I want to thank the MRR Guru Bob G[bow][bow][bow] for the nice complement. Actually Bob I look at your pics everyday and try to use what I see to make my scenes more lifelike and believeable like yours. I have a long way to go but the journey is the fun part. Kind of like riding my Harley. Well my former Harley that WILMA ate last year [:(]

Thanks for sharing the pictures of your diorama! I don’t have the room or time to build a layout at this time and had been thinking about this very project. I want to incorporate a a mainline railroad with a bridge and a logging line going underneath. I think I can do this with a 2’ by 4’ piece of foam, at least I will get to try some new products in a small area. You did an exellent job on your diorama , it really looks neat! Thanks again for sharing! Jim

Very nice. I like all the activity in such a small space. Looks like your going to have a terrific layout in the future. Be sure to keep us up to date.


scubaterry wrote:

Dude don’t knock your own work it looks pretty d a m n good to me.

QUOTE: Originally posted by scubaterry

My wife is a Florida State Trooper and we were transferred to the Florida Keys 16 months ago from Pensacola Fl. I built a 14 x 12 ATR layout knowing it would be dismantled within 2 years so I crammed as much track on the layout as I could . I haven’t done any scenicing (sp) for the same reason. Unfortunately my favorite part of the hobby is the scenicing. So to scratch that itch I decided to build a 20 in X 40 in diorama to exercise my scenicing skills (which are marginal). Another function of the diorama is a photo backdrop for taking pics of my rolling stock to include in my computerized inventory program “Yardoffice”. A great program for 20 bucks.
Anyway hope you enjoy the tour. Not real happy with the water. Not a product problem (WS) but operator difficulty I will do better next time. Still have to put in the barbed wire fence before the horses and cows wander onto the track and get smushed.
As this is a test project any feedback would be appreciated.

Smokies busy today with a couple of trouble makers.

I am going to add some ground level trees and hills on the backdrop so it blends in better.

You will find items on this layout dating from the 50’s to 2006. I model the 50’s NYC/NKP but I couldn’t pass up the FHP cars I found.

This deputy will soon be joining the ranks of the FHP. You can see him in the Felony stop pic wearing his new uniform. Need to

I think you should be very pleased and proud of your work, Terry. It is very picturesque, and nicely proportioned.

What have you learned?


How have you been? That’s some nice work. The Trooper cars are exact replicas…
so are the tan uniforms. I have seen a few of the cars at Bobe’s, but they are about
fifty years too late for my era. I wonder what the FHP cars looked like in the fifties…?

Anyway, the diorama looks great and the water is fine. If you get a chance while you
are experimenting, try Klock Kote. I use it and I like it better than the WS stuff.

Keep in touch and I’ll see ya on your next visit HOME (Pensacola). Dave

Crandell - Hmmmm! what have I learned. Well for one thing I don’t think I will be using the WS Realistic water again. I don’t like the restriction of only pouring 1/8 in at a time. I must have been a little deeper in places because it came out milky? I ended up with alot of bubles even appearing seveal days after it had supposidly dried? I learned that painting little people can be a real pain. I did get an optivisor a while back and that was essential. I learned alittle about trestles mainly from a mag article that came out recently. So i got to experiment with that. But the main thing I realized about this project was I really had fun. Looks like I am going to be a scenery guy. I am looking forward to starting my new layout when we move to Gainesvile this fall.

Dave - Nice to hear from you again. How is that layout room coming? Actually these FHP cars are not correct. Currently they use the Crown Vic, the models are Chevey Caprice. Non of the senior troopers down here can ever remember using the Caprice. Other than that they do look good. I model the 50’s myself but as I said I couldn’t pass up these guys. Take care and probably visit Pcola by the end of the year.

Yeah Terry, now that you mention it, those are Caprices… but the paint job is convincing

Now that we are back from vacation, the benchwork is about to be started. I am getting
excited about it. I now have to find a reliable dealer for bulk track and turnouts… I need a lot!

John at Bobe’s said he could work a deal on flex track, but it still doesn’t compare to some
I have found online. But on the other hand, I try to support the local guys when I can. Oh well,
I have a little time to think about it… Maybe I’ll build a diorama[:D] Later, Dave

Wow man, nice job. Hope you got that itch!