As I understand things the BNSF uses directional running between Amarillo and Pueblo. The trains go one way through Boise City and another way through Dalhart.
Am I correct in my understanding?
Which line is southbound and which line is northbournd?
How ‘strict’ is the directional running? For example, if the SB line is through Boise City, is it 100% southbound, or does an occasional northbound train operate over the line?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you have it right:
Southward direction is ex MoPac Pueblo-NA Junction, ex-Santa Fe NA Junction-Las Animas-Boise City-Amarillo.
Northward direction is ex FW&D Amarillo-Texline, ex-C&S Texline-Trinidad-Pueblo.
I don’t know about the strictness.
S. Hadid
You still have trains running in either direction on either direction (not Rule 251 Direction of traffic) , but the bulk of the flow follows the directional running. Boise City Sub between Las Animas Junction and Amarillo is dark territory with TWC, has better grades and less curvature. The old Crooked and Slow (BN side)is signalled (mostly CTC)…Even with dark territory, Pueblo to Amarillo on the old ATSF was considerably faster.
As I understood it only coal trains operated directional running and manifests went either way between Amarillo and Pueblo.