Disassemblie Walthers Passenger Cars??

Is there ANYONE who has a method, technique or EVEN KNOW HOW to get the blasted car sides of the Walthers passenger cars off the inner frame WITHOUT breajking the top and bottom tabs.

They HAD to have gotten the cars together somehow, but it’s a nasty struggle and cursing them to the ground to get the damned sides off the cars to repaint or kitbash them. If you succeed at THAT, then there’s a ton of glue slopped on the sides that you break the windows trying to get them out.

THERE HAS to be a way to take them apart, wondering if antyone has a method???. Wathers is it’s usual helpful self (NOT) at any technical problems, other than they’re made in China and they send them assembled.

And for the rocket scientists out there that have nothing better to think of, NO I can’t get Undecorated models…they have the SAME problem, the sides are already assembled into the car, and the same thing happens.

One day we’ll be smart enough in this country to make stuff OURSELVES that is meant to be taken apart and reassembled.



Sure, but getting those tabs ON is one way, the interiror frame will flex enough for it to push in. The only thiong I can reccomend, from having dis- and re-assembled the stramliner coaches, is that when you are dissasembling the car, be sure to take the floor/chassis off the interior so it can flex. Bettere yet, just flp the car over and take out EVERY screw in the bottom. Then, unscrew fromt he bottom the interior itself, and you’ll probably have the lighting pickup bars come out on you. Then one by one, push the top and bottom plastic strip the wall is tabbed to up so the tip of the tab is closaer to the hole. Without the floor and interior, there’s more flex to the interiopr frame.

Also remember that in addition to the tabs, there are a few pegs to help hold it on as well, so if one or two break, you’ll be fine. (as long as they aren’t above and below) Likewise, I’d rather break the bottoms than the tops, as they’ll hange instea of trying to flop over.