Discovery Times Presents "Trouble on the Tracks"

This will be on DTIME channel Tuesday night at 9 PM Eastern.

Has anyone here already seen this show? If so, how was it? Was it supportive of the railroads efforts to make safer grade crossings or did the show slam 'em?

Sucky slam piece. New York Times slander.

Not worth watching.

[#ditto] Extremely one sided;and not for the railroads.

(might be worth watching;so you can draw your own confusions.)

All it does is bash and blame the railroads for people who have been killed in grade crossing accidents. here si one that does seem to be the RRs fault becasue a worker left a jumper wire on the electrical panel and it caused th lights an bells to not come on.

There was a stop frame vidio on the crossing for the proposed Amtrak high speed corridor. The impact foottage is graffic and clearly shows the signal worker had shorted the crossbucks dark. He was caught when he retrieved the test jumper and reactivated the gates. The railroad claimed they were working untill the camera was discovered.and proved they were not. They only then admitted it was a maintenace problem. It did not make the railroad look good. I hope I did not spoil the plot. This show is extremely against the railroads. Still evidence is a slam dunk the signal worker was directly responsible for two deaths. [V]

Yes, you see, as of late, I’ve been getting the impression that kind of garbage is being pumped out of the NY Times on a routine basis. The propaganda is looking bad in the newspaper, but I wasn’t aware of just how their cable channel was until now. I will not tune in to watch.

saw it befor…and it was nothing but 100% bull S#$T… 1 isoluated insident and they make it out to be across the board issues… F the old york times…and the horse the rode in on
csx engineer

I watched it… It should be called “What the railroads did wrong” rather than “Trouble on the Tracks” which would imply a more partial view. (The FIRST rule of technology is DON’T RELY ON IT. IT FAILS.)

I thought the Metra news coverage from around Thankgiving was much better. (Put that on DTIMES and show it!)

I watched it, then I wished I had just left the TV on Food Network for Iron Chef!

It was biased.

But then so too was the UP as they lied and tried to smear that poor kid that got hit, trying to make it look like the accident was his fault when clearly they knew better.

Just goes to show the level to which big business will descend over money and liability avoidance.

LOL, if the Railroads do not intend to maintain crossing safety properly, then why do they build so close to public roadways? [8]

No offense, Puckdropper, but I would take my chances with the technology almost any day over 99% of the public excercising their "God-given RIGHT to drive where, when and how they want.

Yes i remember the policeman he was really a stupid looking person he had pempils or something all over his face.

I"m sorry but when did the railroads build so close to the public roadways. I seem to remember its roads applying to cross railroads tracks. As for the UP it seeme to be their signal worker who was covering hia a–. When the facts came out they (UP) admitted it was a maintenance problem.

LOL, maybe they need to give auto’s louder horns? [:D]

As I recall from the episode, UP’s mgt was also telling the signal worker to not answer any inquiries for a while, so it seems absurd to assume they were any less than complicit in supressing the facts before they burst out…

I am quite shure that was corp lawyers advice once they were aware there employee was directly responsible for two deaths.This was not a matter of negligent maintenance of crossing gates. It was amatter of negligent homicide by a signal worker which no railroad from managment on down wants to ever happen. [:(] [xx(] This may not be the right sudject to LOL??? [?]