Just received the first 4 Division Point N&W passenger cars including BEj, RPO, diner, and business cars. They are amazingly beautiful and work well. They are expensive, but I saved for awhile and sold an older brass PFM C&O K3 which helped.[:D] Any one have comments about fidelity to prototype etc.[tup]
Do you know what the second worst sound in the world is? It is a piece of brass equipment hitting the floor of the layout room!![:'(] I hope never to hear that sound!![oops]
I have not seen any of the DP cars in person. I have only seen the photos on ebay and a couple web sites. With that said I would say they all look pretty close to my photos and plans.
The diner has a couple errors in the paint that are not acceptable, especially considering the information that was offered to DP. First the stripes go completely around the model car at the top & bottom. This is very wrong. The stripes are not at the juncture of the roof & body which is wrong. The bottom stripe is a couple inches above the bottom of the side which is wrong. Other than these issues, which for a $500+ car are totally unacceptable, the cars look very nice.
There has been some discussion about the shade of red used but after seeing a lot of N&W cars in the 1956-74 period I don’t have any problem with the shades used by DP on their Tuscan or Pevlar Blue models.
Very nice models but way too expensive. Sure wish someone would do N&W cars in plastic or at an affordable price. I would think a reasonably priced BEj or M-1 would sell enough to recoup the investment.
My 2¢,
Roger Huber