Do "generic" traction tires exist? (ala "O" rings?)

I tried a search, but I was wondering if traction tires come in “generic” sizes. Can you just buy certain diameters and widths like you can with, say, “O” rings?
I’m considering buying Athearn Genesis Big Boy and Challengers and wonder about getting traction tire replacements down the road. Can one buy a box of spares from Athearn or elsewhere so one never runs out?

I bought traction tires several years ago for some older locos I was repairing. They came in a couple different sizes for steam, and another for diesels. I don’t remember what manufacturer it was though.


Here’s one link to traction tires:



As posted above, you can get traction tires from Walthers for several different types of models. I do note that the ones listed for Proto are not shown as being available yet. There is another outfit, who’s name escapes me at this moment, that sells a “generic” assortment. Whether or not any of them would fit a model you are contemplating is another issue.

The club I belong to has an articulated that lost its traction tire, and none of the generic tires fit. The problem getting a replacement wasn’t the diameter…it was the width and depth of the tire cross-section. I suspect that a company such as Tyco that made a lot of engines that needed the traction tires probably made them all to the same design (width and depth of groove). I’m not so certain that anything is standardized anymore.

Athearn used to be pretty good at stocking replacement parts, but I don’t know what goes on now. Probably the best thing to do if you get a new model is buy a lifetime supply of the tires from Athearn as soon as you figure out what the part number is.

Thanks for the links and info. guys.
I’d seen some of these kinds of catalog listings but they never seemed to name their specs. or what locos they’d fit, ala an auto parts store wiper blade or tire chains.
I’ll contact Athearn and see about ordering a batch if I go ahead with the locomotive purchases. I just wanted to be sure I’d always be able to find something that’d fit later.

Hello I have 4 of the mantua/tyco diesels the blue/yellow ones and needed some. I work for a place that makes gaskets and o-rings. Measure the tire call you loco gasket shop and see what they have I got a free sample .Witch was about 10 o-rings. I could buy 300 for 30$ give or take. Have a nice day Frank