Do you ever have one of those great model RRing days?

I accomplished nothing on my layout today, in fact I havn’t even run a train. But today was one of those great days in the hobby. My youngest son Christopher (Crispy to everyone) is 6. He loves trains and I made sure he got some under the tree. Today we sat down and he built his Chicago NW box car. CNW is his favorite as he really likes yellow! Anyway, what a blast we had. Ink wash, rust paint (I was trying to get him to master a dry bru***echnique!) and liberal dashings of powders and here is the result.

Now Crispy is a weatherer. I’m not sure he is quite ready for groupies as Spacemouse suggested, but he and I had a great time getting to this point. $6.00 on a Roundhouse kit goes a long way and will be cherished for years to come.

Happy New Year everyone!

Great job. Better than I can do and i’m 41. Joe A.

I know exactly what you are talking about. There are some days it seems that I get more accomplished than I did the entire month. BTW, is the Mckinley trestle completely gone now??[:(]

Not ready for groupies?

He should show it to some 5 year old girls.

Ya… Just today I got the most progress done on my layout… Hehe first trees and sceniced my sidin’… -----PLZ HELP WITH N SCALE LAYOUT!----NScaler5

by golly!..the kid’s a natural! your proud of him and his work…that is a good day in the hobby when a sibling takes it up like that…chuck

I was hoping to have a great model railroading day but my car had other ideas (alternator bit the dust)… I’m glad somebody did though… BTW, Crispy’s weathering job looks better than Most “pro” jobs I’ve seen… Good way to keep junior interested, Let HIM do it… Here’s hoping it lasts a long time…


Thanks guys. What I really enjoyed about the day was just spending some quality time with the little lad. The look of concentration on his face as he applies the ink wash was priceless. kids can learn so much from this hobby. I had him weigh the car and then add pennies to the scale to bring it up to weight. As can be seen from the large rust blobs on the side, he did not really get the hang of dry brushing the rust, we were aiming for a more subtle look. Anyway, if you haev kids, there can be no better way of using an old Athearn blue box or Roundhouse kit. I am not quite ready to let him loose on the BLI roster!

Awesome!!! For his age, he does seem to be doing a FANTASTIC job…better than me…im so bad at this…

Anyways, enough with feel bad for myself time. I got the most work done ever on my layout the past 2 days. Over the past week, I tore up half my layout. Over the past 2 days, i’ve got it as operational as it was before the project, plus, now there is staging! All I have to do is reconnect the branchline sections (which is a full days work, surely) and i’m 100% operating!

Is he for hire?

I was wondering that to. I have a few box cars that need weathering but my skills aren’t up to it.

lol Looks great one of my favorite things to do in the hobby is to weather.

I think that there are some child labor laws in Illinois[:D]