Hi, I am curious to know if there are some good railroad game for Mac?
I forgot to tell that I have a Mac OS X 10.5.8
Trainz is pretty good. Simulation etc. Have Fun![:D]
Do you know Brian if this game is compatible with Mac OS X 10.5.8? I have search their website and can’t find any info about the recommanded settings.
According to their website it will .
Minimum Specification
OS: MacOS X 10.5
Memory: 2GB
Graphics: nVidia or ATI graphics card
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
Hard Drive: 20GB Free Space
Good Luck and Have Fun! [:D]
There is a Version of trainz on the App store that works well that i have on my mac as for the Trainz version i believe it’s Trainz 2010
(If it’s a Powerbook play it on a table or desk as the powerbook can get quite toasty)
The Trainz in the Apple App store requires 10.6.6 or later but on the Trainz web site it says 10.5.
It is $15 cheaper at the App store. I guess I would download it from their, TRAINZ, website and if it did not work ask for my money back.
I think the App store says 10.6 as the App Store is integrated with LION (OSX 10.6 - not the Broadway Lion [:D])
Heck, I haven’t found any good train games for the PC either!
@ Brunton: Railroad Tycoon 3 is still the best Railroad Game ever. Still available from several sources , too. Not sure if it was ever made available for Mac however. Hawk & Badger is the most active RRT3 site still around, and there are also forums there for most of the RR related games. You can find me there with the same screen name, currently finishing up a Colorado based scenario for RRT3. Asking at H&B would be a good bet to find out about train games for MAC.
Well, by looking on their website I don’t see any mention that this game is for Mac also and I have not found any information about the optimal requirement of this game.
If you find those informations, please let me know!
I checked at Hawk & Badger and Rail Road Tycoon 3 is available for Mac. If you click that link it will take you to a Mac thread over there. It seems that not all of the mods made for RT3 will work on a Mac, but the “Vanilla” RT3 is still a great game.
You didn’t like Railroad Tycoon, or Rails Across America?
Railroad Tycoon really went down the tubes when they introduced version III. They tried to go 3D and really screwed up the track building capability. And they way they did the locomotives was a good idea but it is obvious the person who set it up really didn’t know anything about real trains. I played it for a couple months, deinstalled it and went back to Tycoon II. And neither II nor III allow faster trains to overtake slower trains as version 1 did. They just zoom up behind and ram on their brakes. Neither II nor III have the concept of a signal tower like the original did either. They have a concept of way-points but sometimes those are really hard to position on the track where one wants them.
if you can Track down a copy the A train series of games are worth a look even if the latest ones Atrain-8 and A train 9 also know as Train giant are hard to get the hang of and you need a powerful computer to run them
Thanks everybody for your help. I think I will forget about games. My Mac is more than four years old and I don’t plan to upgrade it soon. Instead, I will put my money on my first layout