Do you regret selling any train items you now wish you hadn't ?...

Are there any of you out there that have ever sold a train item that you wish now you hadn’t ?. Personally, I can think of a number of items that I wish I’d kept, and hope to one day replace them if I ever have the extra money and can find them. I’d name them all, but it hurts to much to even think about it ([:(]). Oh well. Live and learn…


You betcha. I sold off a Roundhouse 50’ Railbox(New scheme), got $3 for it. Sold it because it wouldn’t fit my era. A week later, I changed my era. Haven’t found one since.

I too have sold some HO rr equiptment back in the 70’s
my sisters cat had his way with it and I gave it to a cousin
I asked a month ago and was told its all gone

it was just a pile of tyco
and a ton of track but I miss that stuff

tracklayer for MVP!!!

I think we all do that, i miss having my ore cars to run around. But had to get a new BLI mike ( witch is a great engine,don’t get me wrong.) but it would have looked great with those 50 little ore cars behind it.

When I quit in “84” I never thought I would start again and I sold it all for $100. I could use most of it now and some goes back to “48” when I first started and was stuff my dad got me. Fortunatly the guy didn’t want some of it so I had two boxes of prizes when I cleaned the spare room this spring.

No! I sold my Kato UP SD90MAC to a friend of mine well over a year ago and I surly don’t miss it. Now as for my other Models,Yes!

Sold my Lionels to go into HO.(Duh!) Then sold all my HO stuff to get a car when I turned 16
(double Duh!) Wish I had it all back now.

A couple of months ago, I gave away enough stuff to make a copule layouts to parents who couldn’t afford a layout for their kids. Among that stuff was a bunch of those el cheapo trees–you know the plastic ones with the plastic bases.

The last few days I’ve been building a wooden layout for my son. I wished I had those trees back. You know, if you have some of them collecting dust…

I never had the regret of selling stuff probably because the things I do sell are usually the things I wish I hadn’t bought in the first place. Basically I regret buying than selling.

I bought way too much junk when I frst started.

After I buy something I feel a lump in my throat and guilt. Now i’ve got a lot of stuff that I want to get rid of, but i’m afraid i’ll miss em[:(]

Yup, I do

I had a bunch of old Rivarossi OTHER Canadian RR passenger cars.
I now wish I had kept them so I could have used them for another passenger train for the scenario of the usual Other Canadian RR derailment & they had to re-route over Canadian Pacific [:D]


It may sound silly, as much as everyone bashes old Rivarossi locomotives. But back in the mid '70s, once I discovered girls, I sold off my Riv Big Boy, Cab-Forward, Y6b Mallet, Berkshire, and GG1 for very little money. I was so mad at myself (not long)afterward, that I gave up the hobby for 20 years. Wish I still had them, if only for display purposes.


I bought a couple of brass HOn3 Alco DL535 diesels. Eventually I sold them.
Very rare models. I owned 2!!! But they are out of my era of modeling, sticking to the 50’s.

Nope–I still have it ALL