does anybody have any info about the mopac in kansas, The Kansas Main line???

Please help i would appreciate it

The line started in Osawatomie

It crossed the ATSF west of Ottawa

It crossed the Rock Island in Herington

It did not go through Cottonwood Falls

What did you want to know about it ?
PS-Have fun with terraserver ![:D]

Actually i wnated to know about th emopac through Council grove actually

Those shots are of this line. The Council Grove subdivision started in Osawatomie which was milepost 334.4, crossed the ATSF mainline near Ottawa at milepost 354.4, Council Grove was milepost 425.6 and Herington was milepost 451.0. The Council Grove subdivsion ended at Hoisington (558.8) and the Hoisington subdivsion ran to Pueblo (897.1). Here is a view of Council Grove.
The former Missouri Pacific yard is across that road to the right of the sewage ponds.
What is it about the line you want to know ?

i want pictures of trains on the line!!!

Now we’re getting somewhere.,US
Osawatomie, Ottawa, and West Ottawa is the best I can do.
Have you tried