hey guys
does anybody know of a good site that shows trackplans and the details like how much track would be needed, i have seen the ones at atlas but it doesnt show how much track and what type would be needed.
hey guys
does anybody know of a good site that shows trackplans and the details like how much track would be needed, i have seen the ones at atlas but it doesnt show how much track and what type would be needed.
I believe atlas has a few on their webpage at www.atlasrr.com all the others you can find from doing a search on model railroad club layouts but purchasing a book on track plans would be your best bet…chuck
I’ll look around,thanks chuck
Kato also has some track plans with a list of required materials.
I thought Altla also supplied a list of materials with the track plans they have on the web. Look around the site a little more. The little Atlas book at the hobby shops usually has a list as well.
Bachmann’s is no help, I even ask “Mr Bachmann” a direct question on their forum about the requirements for something as simple as a EZ Track figure 8 and he would not give me an answer. Which makes it hard because the hobby shop usually doesn’t know, and they don’t like you open a bunch of packages to find out for yourself.
Jon - Las Vegas
Yeah, I hear you about the Figure 8. We use a diagram that came out of some Atlas catalog (I think) and then have to fudge for Bachman E-Z (yeah-right) track. The Atlas diagram uses (4) 6" straights connected to each arm of the 90 degree crossing. Bachman only makes 3" straights so it costs the customer more.
Let me know if you need the details for the HO figure 8.
Exactly what scale (or gauge) you’re looking for?
Here is a page you might find usefull specially for HO:
oh yeah I forgot to add that,its HO