Does anybody recognize this plan? I down loaded the image from a forum thread on Jan 15th 2005 but I didn’t copy any info on the particulars of the track plan. I really was drawn to this design and would like to use it in some form but can some body help me figure out what size turnouts are used in this plan.
I hope the picture works, this my first post with picture. If it doesn’t please let me know how to do it better and I will fix it. I’m always willing to learn something new.
The picture does not get bigger like I thought it would any help would be appreciated.
I’ve seen it before, I have a copy too. I think Tom Stage (Tstage) may have drawn it.
Portrait pictures won’t enlarge on this forum.[:D]
Here, I rotated it
BTW, I’m not the Tom Stage.
Thats it. Do you have any info on any specifics of the plan? Such as turnout numbers, is this plan really practical to try and operate.
Tom (tstage) so very thoughfully did this plan for me when I was having a problem staging a yard inside an inside curve.
He uses a series of #4 and #6’s I believe. If you might ask him nicely, he might send you the rts track plan. (Atlas Realtrack Software)
The yard is appropriate for short wheelbase switchers (which is appropriate). However the AD track will handle the heavy haulers.
He comes up with some clever ideas sometimes.
Thanks for the information and I do respectfully ask if tstage is viewing this I would like receive a copy of this very clever idea.
Hopefully you’ll get it straight from the horse’s mouth… but having used RTS a lot and looking at the overall length and divergence angle of the turnouts I think I can make a pretty accurate guess here:
It seems pretty clear to me that the yard (black) is #4’s and the mainline (green) #6.
I think you have both on the A/D (beige) track: the turnout between the main and A/D (the right-most beige turnout in the first image) is a #6, and the two turnouts connecting A/D to yard are #4.
Thank you for your insight. Hopefully I will get it from the “horsesmouth” and know for sure but what you see makes a lot of sense.
[#ditto] I agree with this assement. The way to tell on the Atlas track is that the #4 turnouts are 9" long so the diverging track is nearly the same length as the straight. The #6 turnouts are 12" long and the diverging track is much shorter.
I have the plan dj. Tom sent me the file yesterday. Please check your mail and I will email it to you.
Thanks DigitalGriffin. I did reply to your e-mail sorry it took so long. I had 24 hour duty yesterday and didn’t get to this until tonight.
im guessing the mainline goes through a wall or tunnel right?