Does anyone know anything about these buildings?

I came across these recently.I am assuming they are a pre-war Lionel or some other manufacturer as they were with a bunch of stuff from an old layout. Any help will be appreciated.

What are they made of? Cardstock, plastic, metal? If metal, tinstock? Scale or size?
Don’t look like PLASTICVILLE to me, which was all snap together interlocking corners.
Sorry, I don’t know, I/m only 63 y.o. [8D]

Maybe my suggestions may trigger memories for another.

They’re tin with plastic windows and doors. They have a solid metal floor with a hole cut for feeding wires for lights. They are generally O scale in size.

I saw these 2 buildings on ebay recentley - within the last 2 weeks! Try a search in Toys and Hobbies using "metal building, tin building, tin house, etc.
They might have been made by SKYLINE.
Then again it could be Twinkletown made by H&H. Here’s a link to one on ebay: In case the link doesn’t come thru it is item number 20000774959
