Does Anyone know what happened to Cedco Publishing?

Does anybody, especially in the San Rafael area, know what happend to Cedco Publishing? I ordered several RR calendars from them last month as I have since 1989, I have not yet received them and cannot contact them either by phone (two 800 numbers-neither one is valid) nor have they answered several e-mail inquiries. Are they out of business?

They are still selling calendars in hobby shops in southern California. I have bought two of them so far.

Now that you’ve mentioned it, we’ve usually been inundated with catalogs from them by this time. So far, nothing!

I heard that they decided to fight UP over the trademark issue, and it went to court.

I received a catalog a couple of months ago. Circled the ones I want and gave it to my wife. I guess I won’t know until Christmas if she received them since my birthday just passed and I did not receive one.

The website is still up.

My local hiobby shop in CHicago said they had filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy but until someone can confirm that treat it as rumor.

Yes, I know the website is still up and even takes orders, but it’s been over a month since I put my order in, including cc number and nothing. So far my card hasn’t been charged, perhaps ndbprr’s reply has merit-maybe it’s not a rumor. They also don’t respond to e-mails.

[#ditto] I talked to my wife, she ordered over a month ago through the website. No calendars and no charge to our CC yet.

She called the 800 number today and it was disconnected.[:(] I really loved the Santa Fe calendar.

From what we’ve heard, they’ve entered bankruptcy, although their calendars are available at some retail outlets, such as Barnes & Noble.

A Google search turns up articles like this one.

I have notified The Marin County web mistress that supports CEDCO’s web site that the company closed their doors by July 27, 2005, laid off fifty employees, ceased paying photographers and disconnected their 800 telephone number. This information can be found at and I also got suspicious when I didn’t hear from them after I placed an order in early October and sent three unanswered Emails. Since the 2006 calendars were printed in early 2005 they are in the stores already, having been released to the wholesaler before the closing of the company.

Just curious: Where are you in Alaska? Thanks

I just ordered mine from They had them in stock and shipped them today.

Well 10 years later, I just read of a disturbing development.



Strange that this thread was mentioned in the article… A bizarre situation all around.

Truth can be stranger than fiction.

Prior details:

When I last spoke with Charles, he said was in the process of launching a new, limited product line of calendars separately from Cedco, and that he had let go of Cedco (or had it taken from him). That, of course, was some years ago, and since then I had not heard another word about him or his business. Complete shock to find out what ultimately happened.

STOP PAYMENT ON THE SALE AS SOON AS IT SHOWS UP ON YOUR CREDIT CARD. When he sees that the payment has been stopped, “IF” he is a repubable busiiness man he will contact you. It is way too easy to get ripped off by credit card fraud these days.

Killed in Thailand - body kept on ice in freezer. Unfortunate demise.