Does anyone make a 4-6-0 ten wheeler ?...

I own at least one example of just about every popular steam loco that ever ran in North America except for a 4-6-0 ten wheeler… Can someone tell me if ten wheelers have ever been produced in an N scale model, or are there any companies planning to produce them any time soon ?.



In N scale? None of Ametican prototypes that I’m aware of. I suppose you could add a four wheel pilot truck in front of the Athearn/Roundhouse 2-6-0.

In N scale FOREIGN prototypes, there are slews of them. Try Kato, Micro Ace, Minitrix, Liliput, and Roco. So long as the running gear is American-looking, it shouldn’t be all that difficult to Americanize a foreign engine.

Fleischmann makes a 4-6-0 in their Piccolo N scale range. It’s a Class 38 4-6-0 (ex KPEV P8).

Link to picture:

Bachmann was going to do the 4-6-0 they did in HO, but I understand there are some design issues and the project is on hold.
