Does anyone make a 40-foot scale-width gondola?

Hi all,

I have assembled a work train and one of the cars is a gondola in which I have spare freight car trucks and the outrigger blocks for my Lionel TMCC crane car. The train barely fits on my siding, so I thought of using a 40-foot gondola. I see that they’re made in other scales but I haven’t had any luck yet finding one in O. Does anyone know of any? I tried, but can’t use, a semi-scale gon because it’s not wide enough to fit the trucks. And I can’t increase the length of my siding even an inch without major revisions to my whole yard. Any leads will be much appreciated. Thanks!


Have you checked with Atlas O? I think they make some scale 40 ft. gondolas. Must it be a 40ft gondola? What about a 45 or 48 ft gondola?

Another possibilty is MTH trains.

Third possibilty is and look for the car under search feature. It might be the best place to find what you are looking for.

Lee F.

The atlas O scale is apx.2 3/4 by 13 inches,body size without the couplers. It’s apx. because I had to really streach to reach one on the layout.

Thanks for your replies.

A 45-foot car would work but I wasn’t aware that there was ever a prototype that length. The MTH RailKing gons are short enough but not wide enough to hold the trucks. The Premier gons are about 13" long without couplers, which makes them 50-footers.

Maybe I’ll have to kitbash a 50-footer, not a pleasant thought…


I found these on the AtlasO web site:{619AB708-EDA7-4BD1-EVEREST99BA-1C5B0FFC2310}&Cc=0113&iTpStatus=0&Tp=&Bc=



Lionel made a gondola close to scale but it is longer than 40 scale feet, close to 60 scale feet but wide enough to do what you want to, Lionel #33267, also the ends drop down.

Lee F.

Atlas “O” makes one, check Just Trains they are currently running a close-out on Atlas and some items are very nicely priced. [tup]

I agree with the Atlas O Steam era gondola. I just now placed an Atlas truck in the body and it fits perfect. Appears to be about a 40 foot car. Wooden sides with bracing. An older style gon but would be perfect for a work train as they often used older equipment.

What road name or time period do you want to represent?

Between 1986-2000 Lionel produced many of their Standard O Gondolas which were orginally produced by Lionel between 1975-1980. The Lionel Standard O Gondolas were about 40’ Long in O Scale.

Look for LIONEL Standard O Gondolas on sale everywhere.

Andrew Falconer