I was wondering if any uses Y turnouts and if so do they work well?
They work the same as any other turnout. What is your question, more specifically. Few manufacturers make Y turnouts, but the engineering of them is no different than any other as far as their actual operation is concerned. With a Y turnout, both branches are curved instead of one being straight.
I have three of them on my present layout. Just remember that a #2 1/2 “Y” is the same angle off the approach track as a #5. The “Y” turnout number is half that of a regular turnout.
My layout will include one wye turnout as part of a reversing loop.
On Phase 2 of my layout there will be one that joins my shortline to the PRR mainline.
In Phase 2 a Wye will attach to the west bound line with three cars on it and merge into a North - South mainline. The Mainline goes “North” 4 feet there will be a corner module for the track to loop around and come back "South to rejoin the track shown with one car.
Yes and Yes…
I never have used Y turnouts but the photo on this page gives me an idea, good example to bukwrm…here are my thoughts on Y turnouts…
Wye not ?
Wye do we use turnouts ?
Wye do we model a railroad ?
The Wyes have it !!
I use wyes when I want to have a switch at the end of siding and break off at an angle. I use them to create a sharper angle on yard leads. I have 3 or 4 on the layout and don’t have a single “wye” for turning equiment. You can make a wye without using wye turnouts, it just takes about a foot more real estate.
Dave H.
I have a #4 wye turnout on one module that I use to branch from the freight house lead to the team track dock. I may use one in the future on another module to split my diesel service tracks. They do come in handy at times. I have never used a set for turning locos or cars, but should the need arise I wouldn’t hesitiate.