Does this happen to you??

Two days ago I cut down and hauled out to the curb several overgrown shrubs. Yesterday I am mowing the lawn, go by the pile of brush at the curb and say to myself (to myself says I), “Whooo, a lot of the ends of the brush would make perfect forms for trees. I gotta get out here and trim a bunch off before the city hauls it away!” This morning I had to run some errands, and thinking I had a few days left to get those perfect little tree thingies, I go and run the errands first to get them out of the way. I come home later and as I am driving into my driveway, there is the loader and dump truck from the city just finishing loading my little tree forms and driving off with them… AAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!! Now, if I didn’t want those little trees, the city would have let it sit there untill April 23rd of 2006.

Does this happen to you too or is it just my own incompetence?

Murphy sometimes dresses in coveralls.

grow a couple of crepe myrtle trees in your yard…that way you can have a beautiful plant that blooms twice a year in the yard that dosn’t need much maintenance, and then use the blooms to make really nice trees with…just cut the blooms, pick off the berries and leaves that are left on them, and hotglue woodland scenic’s foliage to the branches of the bloom …chuck

hmmm, might be something to definately look into for next spring. Thanks!

Yeah, it happens. I’ll think…“HEY! Those twigs will be great for a log load!” and then, about a day later, they’re either broken or swept away by wind.

You mean something along the lines of: Things I keep because I know I’ll need them are still in the parts box 10 years later, but the things I throw away because there is absolutely nothing that I can possibly think of to use them for, I need the next day?

Yup. All the time!

It seems that if you want something to happen it does’nt, and when you don’t it does! Why is that way!