I’m just about to lay my hidden track with grades. I had intended using quite a few rerailers but now wonder if I can clean them adequately using a CMX cleaning car or something similar.
Anyone have a lot of rerailers in hidden track areas and how do you keep their rails clean? If it’s impossible I’ll go without-but they’d be a great comfort if they can be cleaned “remotely”.
We have rerailers on seven hidden storage tracks on our HO scale club layout, and as near as I can tell the CMX cleans them okay because we don’t have any problem with locomotives stalling on them.
Thank you. The only element missing is time. Have they been in place and cleaned with CMX (etc.) cleaning cars for months to years or are these relative new experiments? If time proven, I’m in!
Anyone had similar good results using old fashioned masonite padded boxcars?
I’ve read allusions to rerailers being difficult to clean with cars on this and other forums’ archives but no actual “case studies”/testing.
Please keep user reviews coming if there are more out there?
Thanks Pheobe Vet. Sorry I got busy on another thread !
Thought I’d bump this up again while I’m here as I’m going to be laying that hidden track next week.
Anyone else have cleaning success or problems with their rerailers they’d care to relate?
I’m thinking I’ll run a padded cleaner car on every session and use the CSX once in awhile if no one has had any issues keeping rerailers clean/conducting.
Yes I use that one as well- it doesn’t fit my time period but I don’t use it that often; all I need it for is cleaning my rails. As far as the rerailers are concerned; I don’t have any on my layout.