Don't let Mikey near my trains!

Reading this made me feel like I was watching the show HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Forget Jesse James or Bob Villa if your going to do a show we need GOMEZ ADAMS as the host. HAHAHAHAH!?!

laz57 I know, I know your size 12!!!

I like that!



Man, this thread is freakin’ hilarious! As I’m reading, I’m also imagining watching the show with the CTT plot/dialog…

It would never work as a real show, for several reasons: first off, the mental giants they have on the show would never have the patience or intelligence (not to mention the kid gloves) to work with trains…you don’t often find a use for a 15-pound sledge when working on your trains. And I doubt there’s enough of an audience for it. Sure, we’re all train nuts, but the general public?..put it this way, there’s a lot more people who ride bikes than who run model trains.

As for the show itself, sure the drama between Sr and Jr is the fuel. But those guys aren’t really that talented (as someone above pointed out.) I mean, all they do is order parts and asemble them when they arrive. I think most of us in CTT land could do what they do. They don’t have much to fabricate. Now Jesse James–there’s a master fabricator. He builds everything from the frame right on up. Watch the two and see what I mean.

And I can’t stand Boyd Coddington. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to work for that slacker…I thought slavery was outlawed…


Welcome to the forum. Guess you guys have added a dose of realism. When the camera is off, who is really working on those bikes all night? Probably some people they hire, while they go to the gym and lift weights, or have candlelight dinners etc.

But I think all of us can relate to some of the characters, even tho they exaggerate their behaviors per the script, which, as you can tell, some of us could write ourselves.

Glad my layout doesn’t have those 3 day deadlines and someone with a size 12 trying to stick his foot up my bu**. I still say, don’t let Mikey near my trains. In fact, senior ought to fire him. But then again, that’s nepotism in the workplace!

Maybe a new show for MRR fans, “Extreme Makeover- Model Train Layout Edition”.