Hello train fans i have posted this question before : so dose anyone have a specific reason why the air gap in the middle besides the obveious short walk around ;did emd have a master plan some hidden controls, or air flow modifications ect.???[?][^]glennbob
There are 2 motors under the hood. The unit itself is 99 feet long.
the best answer so far came from the operators manual that states the start controls are located inside the opening; thanks to an avid rail fan thanks ,>>>>glennbob
In addition, the DD40s that I have worked on, were so long that it takes a machinist or electrician a good amount of time to walk around this unit. I’m glad the gap is there, working this engine is alot easier because of it. BTW, the engine control panel for the # 2 engine is at the rear of the locomotive, I recall the isolation switch being there as well.
THANK YOU Randy Stahl its great to meet some one who has worked on the real thing [:O][8D][^]>>>>>>>glennbob