Double Crossover transition

I am currently building a layout and I have my track spaced at 3 inches apart from track center to track center. I purchased a Walthers Double Crossover and the track spacing is 2 inches center to center. I have angled in the track slightly from the 3 inches down to the double crossover and back out. The transition took place over the space of about 8 inches. Will this cause derailments? Also, is there any way to leave the gap at 3 inches and still have a double crossover in place? Thanks for your help!

I think that the first question is why are you setting the straight tracks 3 inches apart on center. That is much more space than it needs to be.

In any event, transitioning the track from 3 inches to 2 inches over an 8 inch space probably won’t cause derailments if trains run straight through the double crossover, but if trains take the divergent route through the double crossover you may have problems because of the S-curves you have created.

Another consideration to keep in mind is that such a transition in and out of the double crossover is not at all prototypical.

I would encourage you to rethink your track spacing and reduce the space between straight tracks to 2 inches on center.


A photo would help evaluate the situation. Is the Double Crossover on the mainline or a siding? Regardless you may have to adjust your speed even if going straight through. A more straight on approach would be desirable. Can you bring the tracks closer together further away from the switch?



I am doing 3 inches apart because if the track is two inches apart, the passenger cars on different lines side swipe eachother on the curve when passing. I know I could just make the outer oval longer than the inner oval, but it takes away from the appearance of a equally distanced curve. I don’t plan on going through the crossover to the other rails at high speeds. It’s not done prototypically anyway. Thanks for the help.

John, I hear you. Do what is best for you and your layout.

One thing that I might suggest is to try a separation of 2 1/4 inches on the straight line tracks. That is my arrangement and it works just fine. That way, the transition into and out of the double crossover is barely noticeable. I set my curves at a separation of 2 1/2 inches and that works fine too. I do agree that a 2 inch separation on the curves will result in passing trains swiping each other.



With my passenger cars, I’ve tried as high as 2 3/4 inches and it still side swipes so I had to seperate it a little more. It’s very irritating. Thanks for your help though!

I assume that you mean on the curves. Do you know what radius your curves are?


One more thought. If you do transition from 3 inches to 2 inches to join the double crossover, if you have the space, try to put at least one passenger car length of straight track between the double crossover and your transition track. This additional straight track will permit you to ease up on the S-curve that will otherwise result if the transition track joins immediately into the double crossover.


Another approach would be to write off the double crossover and hope you can use it in the future.

In it’s place use a a pair of turnouts with a small piece of track to connect them thus creating a single crossover and then in another location do the same using a pair of the opposite diverging turnouts creating in effect a double crossover.

Just my thoughts

Happy Railroading
