When I built my last layout, I used all Atlas code 100 track with Atlas turnouts and switch machines. That heavy clack was hard on the rivets. For my new layout I am using code 83 flex and will probably use Tortoise switch machines. Does anyone have any suggestion how to mount them and make the linkage for a Walthers code 83 double crossover?
Medina Ohio?
I have two code 83 double crossovers and I just used 4 Tortoises but it seems to me that there was a MR article about 3 years back showing how to use linkage to do just what you want. $50 for the crossover and $50 for 4 switch machines gets a little steep!
Are they “DCC friendly”?
No, Medina is my last name. I’ll do the Model Railroader search for that article. Thanks