
The time has come to move on from my current location in NJ and although it’s a difficult decision parting with some of the collection is necessary. I don’t know if this is the appropriate forum to advertise however since train shows are unavailable I’m looking for options other than eBay. I welcome any suggestions or feel free to PM me if you’d like to add to your collection at attractive prices.

We don’t allow “for sale” items in this forum.

However, it’s perfectly fine for others to suggest options/places/websites where you can sell your items.

Where in Jersey do you live? Any hobby shops nearby that might be interested in what you have? Some do buy collections and might even make a “house call” if the collection’s too large for you to move easily.

If you need suggestions let me know, I can make a few.

Flintlock made an excellent suggestion, but be forewarned that most will give you about 30 - 40 % of there value. Your best bet really is eBay to get close to there value but, then you have to deal with packing and shipping, and the chance someone’s wife or they change there mind and claim it’s not as advertised and you end up having to give them all their money back and pay to get it back.

there are other forums that do allow you to sell from, and there are forums on FB that will let you sell. "


The Train Station in New Jersey

Sans eBay your options are limited.

  • Find a train store that is still buying. However, most are overwhelmed with inventory these days and are not.
  • Contact an auction house like Stout or Trainz auctions
  • Join a buy/sell Facebook Group.

Be realistic. Unless you have somthing rare or mint if you can get 50% on the BVD you did well. Auction houses and dealers will net you much less than that.

Shot you a PM.

In Mountain Lakes? That’s a good one! Been there!

I believe that downsizing is something that many people at or near retirement will experence. You can try contacting as they buy whole collections but as indicated expect 40-50% of market value. You can also try an auction that may bring more value

If you belong to the Model Train forum or the O Gauge forum, both have For Sale sections.