The Curse of D&RGW 107


Its a long story so here is someones other version There is yet another because someone inscribed the Names of the victims The engineer went while scrolling through the names and supposedly went mad, the engine drailed as well as changing the # to 100 didn’t save her and after being to the shop after another wreck 3 years later her original # was given back

At the bottom of the page is the good story

Ahh, there is nothing like a railroad ghost story. I would love to see a ghost locomotive rolling down the tracks. It may freak me out, but I would be quite a sight.[^]

great find! Now my ocd is kicking in and I have to find out about the 107! Do you guys know what make of engine it was? It said it was replaced in 1909. So we are talking a little steamer right?

4-4-0 i think
might’ve been a 2-6-0

My Greatgrandfather once cussed out a hostler for turning his engine “agin the sun”.My Grandfather cussed out a pipe fitter out because the he left a black cat in the round house and the cat cross my Grandfather’s path!![:0] My Uncle also refuse a run once because the engine number was 666.[}:)]
Old railroaders can tell you some stories that will make you stop and think…[:D]

superstious railroading, good story

Not as good as the story of “The Locomotive that lost hersel.f” It was number 13, it is in the book Shortlines.


You like ghost stories?

Mottingham station is one of the suburban stations on one of the three routes from London Bridge to Dartford Kent. All that’s there now is platforms each way with WCs, Ticket Office, booking hall and a kiosk on the Up (London bound) side and boarded up offices and waiting room on the Down side.

I heard several stories from reasonable sources at this location and had quite an awareness of “something” there myself. It wasn’t nasty but I make a point of not going looking. I wouldn’t even ride on a train with three sixes in it let alone work a turn with it.

The most distinct story from Mottingham is as follows…

Two S&T technicians let themselves into the Down side buildings to do some maintenance. Being the time of day that school kids would be about they locked themselves in.

One started to work up a ladder in some sort of equipment box while his mate held the ladder. After a bit he asked his mate “What are you talking about”.

“I told that lady to go and ask the platform staff the other side because we’re not local. How’re we supposed to know what time the next train from London will come in”?

“Don’t be stupid. We’re locked in here. No-one can have asked you…”

Apparently they both went a bit wobbly.
When they checked the door was still locked. When they asked they learnt that there have been several sightings of a Victorian young lady who asks for the train her young man should be coming on.
Theory has it that when the station was new a young woman came to meet her man but was run over and killed.
One member of staff reckoned he saw her so many times he got moved to another location… nasty rumour said that other (liquid) reasons were involved. What he told me made sense though. Complete strangers would come to the Up side and say that there was a young lady on the Down side asking for information… then no-one would be there. There is an exit but des

I can GARUANTEE that you DO NOT want to see a train headlight coming when one shouldn’t be about! If you’re a Railroad worker it means something has gone wrong and you have a train that isn’t accounted for.
to keep it polite… you will need to sit down and get your breath back when you’ve sorted it out.