Dream-Plan-Build DVD

After viewing the DVD a couple of times, I’m trying to figure out where the publishers are going with this. From my observation, it’s divided into three types of presentations. Short videos and interviews with the builders of some pretty terrific layouts, most too large for most of us to even fantasize about completeing in our lifetime. (There is already a DVD series of “Great Railroads” available comercially, if we are interested in just looking. These are interlaced with some how to do it video clips, nicely done, but in practical perspective, very doable as a 2-3 page article with photos in Model Railroader, and maybe have already started their lives as that type of presentation, and adapted to video. Last but not least, some printable PDF files, some I recognize from past MR issues, and one currently available for a paid download. (In fact, I’ve already purchased it. [:(!] I guess my question here is, are we being offered material that we have already or will eventually pay for as a feature within Model Railroading or will we get some exclusive material that willl show the DVD subscription to be a benefit. If it’s going to be promoted as a tool to help beginners, such as myself, to build a nice layout, then devote it to that and give us some useful information that might not be available anywhere else. Sorry if this sounds harsh, so guys, you don’t need to bombard this thread with the typical “If you don’t like it, don’t buy it” responses. I’m going to look at each one as it comes out and decide if it’s a good value. If it is, I’ll keep it. Otherwise, it goes back. I think a lot of folks will approach this with the same idea, and if it looks like we’re getting either rehashed, or not useful material, the powers will pick up on it pretty quick. To some, $25 is not a tremendous amount of money, but why spend it on something that you may have already bought and not know it… my $.02

I would have to agree with you. I really enjoyed the DVD and was disapointed when I finally finished it. However I thought it was mostly “eye candie” and not enough “how to”. I am basically a beginner so I was looking for a bunch of “how to’s” Maybe with the follow on DVD’s they will be more focused on those of us who need professional help (non-psychiatric). Don’t get me wrong I liked the DVD and I am sure I will watch it again several times to see those awesome layouts.
Terry and WILMA for now [8D]

I enjoyed the premiere issue very much. I am a VERY visual person. So, even though I’ve been a MR subscriber for many years, and have begun numerous layouts (I never seem to get very far beyond building benchwork and laying track), there was very definite benefit to seeing tasks done in person (versus pictures) – even things I already knew how to do.
I am very anxious for more information on the series, like how often new issues will come out and what the price will be. The only thing I didn’t like was that there wasn’t a whole lot of info in that respect. Is that because the answeres to those questions are still being determined?

if a picture is worth a thousand words , how many is a video worth ? some of need more than a couple of photos to get some concepts . what i want to know is are these dvds available to non-subscribers , or are you being used as a test market ?

edit… ok i just clicked on the link to the right and got my questions answered . the premier dvd was a test and it doesn’t seem to be available to non-subscribers . i did send an email asking about that so maybe it will be sold somehow in the future

This is the very point I have been making with MR since I’m very visual myself, and I’ve got experience producing how-to videos covering the model RR hobby.

They need new how-to video shorts that demo the technique before the camera, close up, well lit, and in enough detail you can see exactly what’s being done. It’s amazing how much more you can learn from a video versus text and still photos.

I’d say the follow on quote is:

A video is worth a 100 pictures.


A video is worth a 100,000 words.

Never received it. [:(]
Its probably only meant for you guys in the states. [banghead]
Oh, well… guess i have to do with what you write about it at this forum. [:)]