Dream Plan Build video series

Im curious if anyone here that has been collecting the video series has ever made a index of the video contents so that if you ever want to watch a layout or look at a session on how to’s they know which volume to go to without watching everyone again. I asked Kalmbach for a index of the series and received what I thought to be a stupid answer that since they are still making the series there is no index. Wouldnt you have to know what is already in the series so you know what to add? Anyway before I start going through all of mine and watching each one to make my own index I thought I would ask here.


There is a forum thread that covered somewhere in here


Dugan, I created and made available to this group an index of 25 or so videos. You can search the archives for it you want.

If you can handle and will use a spreadsheet of the data (simply laid out in columns of info by volume) contact me via E-mail. I once gave a slightly negative review of one of the videos and even though I have purchased far too many of them, they stopped sending them – haven’t seen one in over a year now. I guess that even though they ask for comments, they do not want any constructive and helpful criticism at all. Sigh…


Has anyone received a video lateley? The last one I received was #25 and it was protype trains, not models. Sent it back and haven’t received another one since.


You are doing better than I am. They stopped sending the DVD’s to me for 3 years because there were 2 in a row that I did not by. Well, I called them about one year ago and they started sending the videos again. They started where they left off. They are sending them about every 3 months. I just received video #20. They are not customer friendly and seem to go out of their way to lose subscribers.[8o|]

Ken, I had time to search and find your post with the index and printed it out last night. Very nice info and just what I was wanting, makes it so very nice to find the info your looking for. I cancelled my subcription to the series back in March due to their unwillingness to make these easy to use with this info and I wasnt sure if it was all new information or just re do’s plus it was getting expensive. Thanks to you for making their product a useful tool!


It could be the “last one” they have but also remember this: if you don’t buy one or two then they stop sending them to you. SInce the first one I got was unsolicited, but I liked it, I bought and bought the first 6 or so then I didn’t want one of them and they stopped sending them to me.

They may make far more money on them if they posted a listing of them and let people buy the ones they are interested rather than cutting people off totally. I might have bought #s 10,14, 16, 19, 23 after teh 6 I bought If I knew what they were and wanted them, but im not going to buy the rest just to get teh ones I want, which is apparently what they want you to do. MRR staffers monitoring this post…get teh picture and idea?

I recieve them on the first week of the month and have over 50 of them so far. volumes1- 23 , real rails edition, and some of individual model railroads which i would say there is a lot of information on them.

It may be up to you to start your own index. I did post here one time with an inventory list, but I watch them so much iInever thought of indexing them. Maybe one day, i’ll make a computer file and index them all to keep up with them better. When one comes in i’ll index them right away and won’t have to go thru the pile to find what i’m looking for…chuck

I find it odd they send you something unsolicited in anyway and want you to send it back or pay for it without any proof you received anything in the first place. I keep getting notices for something I supposedly received but don’t recall ever having. Either way I think the risk and responsibility is on them. If I want videos I will look for them then order and pay for what I want.

I printed off the index from the forum some time ago and it’s great. As far as the videos are concerned, I returned 2 over the course of several months and haven’t seen one since. I lost interest in the series when I got one about Expanding your Layout and it had some great topics listed until I played it. The whole thing looked liked someone’s poorly shot home movie - and when they literally poured dilute matte medium all over a turnout - which as I recall isn’t really a good practice, I was done with the DVD and the series.