Last night I’m sleeping away and I dream I’m in the train room glueing down cork roadbed. I’ve got a little spatula and for some reason the caulking I was using was in a little plastic tub like container, like butter comes in… sorta. Well, I’m spreading the caulking between the drawn lines on the bench and my wife opens the door, sticks her head in and after a second or two, in an alarmed voice, asks me what I’m doing. I told her I was preparing for the roadbed and she says ‘with mayonaise?’ I look down at the container and its now a jar of Hellmans Mayonaise and I’ve spread it all the way down the bench. On top of that millions of ants were all over it. I was bewildered and she says the ants are going to get in my trains, that I shouldn’t use that, use something else. So I get a rag and start wiping up the mayonaise and she closes the door and leaves and I yell ‘arent you going to help me!’ and when I look back down at the bench I’m wiping up caulking and the jar of mayonaise is back to being the caulking.
Is there like a dream interpreter here?
I think I need help.
I’m not a dream interpreter, but do you count cars in a train to get to sleep instead of sheep when you get to bed???[(-D][(-D][(-D][zzz][zzz][zzz]
Me too, Jarrell, me too…[:D]
It means you are hungry for getting the roadbed done, the mayonaise is symbolic, in the relationship of we are all egging you on to finsih, the ants are how we are all a community working towards the good of our hobby, one for all all for one type stuff. Your wife showing up and then leaving means you are spending too much time in the train room and she needs a warm bed. The fact it returned to “normal” is that you are actually insane.
Please send your session check to Spacemouse so he will have the same dream and get his layout design done. (this is assuming he is still refining it)
Dr. Phil
I think “Dr. Phil” is a sick, sick man. but he could be right, you know!
Darrell, physiologically if not psycologically quiet…for now
Well let’s see, now…had the sections of nearby track become bacon? Was the bench a big Kaiser roll? And, had the plaster cloth turned to lettuce?
Dtherman-That’s was good. (sounds like you actually took psycology in college)
What a bizarre dream…but really, REALLY funny! [(-D][(-D] Dave, I love the interpretation, too. On a more serious note. Has anyone tried mayonaise yet for tacking down roadbed?
Jarrell, be sure to double-check the jar the next time you make a sandwich in the kitchen. (Great. Now I’m gettin’ hungry…)
hey could work
Is sticky but I wuldn’t want to egg my layout
“Built Around the Eggs”
jacon, it almost sounds like you need to take a break from the layout and do something else for a week or so. Don’t worry, you’ll have all winter to “ketchup”!!
I bet you just relished saying that one, huh, John? Sorry to break the news to you, buddy: It won’t cut the mustard! You’ll have to come up with another weiner than that one…
Hmm…could it be possible that someone can spend too much time around trains?
Nah, what was I thinking?
Maybe you should eat before you work on the layout next time?[;)]
Or perhaps u should eat before bed. Perhaps it’s a sign that you need to put a restaurant on your layout [dinner][dinner]
That may be the problem as well…It has been proven that there is a greater chance of having a weird dream if you eat before you go to bed.
Hmmm, where’s a professional quack, er, psycho, um, I mean psychiatrist, rather, when you need one? (No offense to all of you in the psychology field.[:D])
Good interpretations all, but Dave yours makes sense to me. That means I’m in deep do-do.
I have a book that helps intrepret the maning of dreams. for some odd reason, it does not address mayonaise, condiments, trains, or anything else you mentioned, its pretty odd, BUT, not as odd as the dream that I had while I was touring with my college theatre musical for a week, I was on the lighting crew, so that it all I worked on all week. I went to sleep the next to last night, and I found myself on stage and I had just finished hanging all the lighting instruments, and they started talking to me, and we had a whole big lond conversation about how we got stuck doing that crappy show and how we were ready to go home, and many other things, and according to my roommates, I was talking in my sleep. That was the wierdest thing that I had ever dreamt.
I don’t dream of modeling, I dream of 1:1 scale. [:(]
AND I do eat before I go to bed. [;)]