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Drew’s Trackside Adventures: Episode 11 - British Columbia, Canada
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Drew’s Trackside Adventures: Episode 11 - British Columbia, Canada
Great views north of the border. Now you need some south of the border!!!
Drew it was nice to see some of the Canadian subs. Would love to see more with how CN and CP interact with local Commuter Rail traffic as it can show how a single line is worked to its full usage. Looking forward part 2 of your trip to Canada and hope to see more videos like this in the future.
Wow, great trip, thanks for sharing, Drew! Seems like you had a good time, makes me want to be there too. Awesome!
Nice video! I noticed the coal drags only had one engine on the front and one on the rear of the train. Seems funny to me because here you may have four engines on the front with two or more pushers on the rear!
Some really cool footage!
Great video Drew. Looking forward to the next one as well. I worked 30 years for CP as a conductor and locomotive engineer in the Sudbury region of Ontario. The Red Barns were certainly not one of my favourites! You had to walk through the engine room to get back to the trailing units. Extremely noisy to say the least! I liked your choice of the Windermere Sub as my son hired on in Golden and the first station south of there is Purcell!
Thanks to Drew and the rest! Great scenery and great railroading. Gotta love it!
Gosh, what a grueling trip you guys are having, ;^). Never been to Canada, made it as far as Seattle. Guess another item for my bucket list. Bring on part 2!!!
Thank you everyone. I’m glad you all enjoyed it. Part 2 will be even better! In person, however, it’s unmatched - even by my team’s great video work.
Dean, that’s pretty cool to have a stop named with your, and your son’s, same name!
Like the Bronco hat Drew. Go Broncos!!!
Great segment. Tell Danneman to smile. Tell Johnson to stop smiling! And give my best to my old friends. Marty
Thanks Sterling, I’m still in shock from the Super Bowl. But we must fight through the difficult times to enjoy the good ones.
Marty, I’ll make sure they both adjust their respective smiling habits!
that was great really nice scenery
I was stationed in Idaho back in the early seventies, you guys brought back some great memories. Beautiful countryside, great work, can’t wait to see part 2. The Broncos will recover.
Wow ! you guys are terrific , great footage , great video quality , I am jealous . I just can’t imagine being paid for doing that , or maybe you are not paid ? I really don’t know how I will be able to wait for part 2 , hope it won’t be too long !
Excellent photo takes Drew. Can’t get much better. Looking forward to Part 2.
Drew, another outstanding production! You and the crew captured some spectacular shots in beautiful surroundings. A little something for everyone, mainline action and switching. Lucky catch on the ‘red barn’ too. You guys Always do a great job and I can’t wait for part 2!
Thank you Drew and team, some beautiful scenery, almost felt the trains were minor players trying to compete for visual space against such magical natural backdrop. Really looking forward to the next episode and from what the previews have shown this may even be better. Just one thing, add to the descriptive vocabulary with other supposed adjectives beside “cool” and “awesome”. Otherwise, excellent work, team!
Great job guys! I really liked how you related model railroading to the real thing. Just a nice, warm and fuzzy feeling watching it.