Fun seeing Chicago and MoS&I again with you guys; it’s been awhile for me. I’m enjoying your travels. Good job guys. And Ben, you crack me up…keep it up!
Drew, great buffer music !!! The intro is good old Texas Blues, Stevie Ray Vaughn style… Like it.
A nice, but not very informing production…after all most of us are train savvy and I would appreciate more of the technical, historical and railroad/train details. How about sticking that camera into the guts of that engine?
real nice, to bad Seattle Space Needle (the most Iconic structure when it comes to WA) got a cheesy almost absurd cameo… but Drew I’d love to have your job, );
There is so much railroading in Chicago and the Museum of Science and Industry is a superb representation of the “City That Works”. Good job, Drew. Get on the Capitol Limited and go cover Pittsburgh.
Drew , you and your crew rock. You have taken me places I cannot get to myself due to disabilities. when I left the Navy after 23 years I wanted to visit the western states and chase trains, alas the body failed to do my bidding but you pulled up the slack. Thank you for giving me the vantage point of your camera.and your innate ability to get the great shots. again Thank You - Lee schamberger at
At one time, the MofS&I had a substantial collection of steam loco’s outside along with the U-505. Do you know if they’re still there or were brought inside or maybe donated to the Illinois Railway Museum?