I’ve decided to add a piano hinged drop leaf to our 4x8 layout, which will add 18 inches to the long dimenson, as shown below:
The current plan is to cut a 24" x 48" piece of oak veneered 3/4" plywood and attach it to the layout at roadbed heigth with a 48" piano hinge, and add a 48" stiffener made of oak 1x4 under the leaf so that diagonal braces up from the main table legs will butt against the stiffener when the drop leaf extension is level.
Each of the 4 longer and two short spurs will be wired through a deadman switch and then through a DPDT panel switch so that each is isolated in it’s own electrical block. This will prevent sail-offs when the leaf is in the down position, and allow us to stage three long consists and two short consists, driving them onto the main layout and back off again at our discretion.
All of the new track will be covered by a removable mountain module, so it won’t need to be ballasted or have to look pretty, but it does need to work reliably.
I have at least four questions.
Do I need a short piece of track to drop into the splice, after the leaf is broiught up, or can I simply butt the rails together after the leaf is fixed in place with the hinge and expect reliable tracking? In a perfect world, raising or lowering the leaf would be as simple as possible, the extra steps of threading four short sections of track and joiners on each time the leaf is raised or lowered would be a negative benefit. On the other hand, I won’t settle for less than reliable operation, so if the short sections have to be used, then we’ll use them.
Do I want the structural joint between the existing layout and the new drop leaf to break perpendicular to the track at that point, as indicated by the dark blue line in the planview above? Or will a rectangular drop leaf where the tracks cross the structural joint at an angle work reliably