Drug smuggling by shipping container or trailer

This link http://cbs4boston.com/topstories/local_story_146142710.html has a recent story where 1,800 pounds of pot were seized inside a JB Hunt truck trailer.
It makes me wonder if their’s been any instances of illegal drugs being smuggled by trailers or shipping containers that found their way onto flat or well cars and unknowingly being shipped by any of the class I railroads?

You mean there’s any question?

Of course it’s happened! Not that the perps are going to tell you how or where…

It’s entirely possible your stolen Rolls Kannardly left the country in a container, too.

Not only pot but people too. I worked for a trucking company once that hauled containers and we found holes cut in the roof of containers with bottles of urine on the inside of the container from time to time. I was in the winter so it must have been *** cold for the migrants getting off the train.

about 15 years ago they made what was at that time the largest heroin bust on record in California, heroin coming in from the orient in shipping containers…so yeah, I’m sure it happens all the time

They said they were a toy company. [:D]

Can Mary Jane come out and play?[}:)]


The Dept of Homeland Security is working on what they call CAARS (Cargo Advanced Automated Radiogrphy System) which is intended to search for drugs and weapons of mass destruction. There is some talk of screening every container that enters the US with it.

Back during prohibition, the CV trains Montreaaler and Washingtonian were know as the bootleggers. One of the tricks was to load booze(in bottles!) into the tender, then fill the tender. As the locos ran thru to US points,those in the know were able to retrieve the goodies at the terminating roundhouse.

Another dodge was putting small packs of opium into the old journal boxes.

This doesn’t surprise me at all. I am a bit surprised that this little incident didn’t happen in Camden, NJ or somewere in Delaware though. Drug dealers right across the Delaware River like to smuggle drugs from Camden, over to Philadelphia.

Me thinks it happens all over the world. The short answer would be where doesn’t it happen. Maybe one of those countries where they stone you to death for taking a drink of beer. [2c] As always ENJOY

I suspect it even happens there. More than likely though these places are the originating location for the shipments.

YEA, death for drinking or doing drugs but grow all the pretty poppy flowers you can sell. As always ENJOY