Dry transfer lettering

I wonder if anyone knows where to get dry transfer lettering sheets (alphabets and numbers) in various fonts and sizes. Years ago I had lots of sheets of Letraset but when I tried to get more, I couldn’t find any. I tried Staples, Office Depot, Michaels, and other stationary and craft stores and none of the clerks even knew what I was talking about. An e-mail to Letraset in England brought no reply. Has this stuff gone the way of the dodo bird? What do others use to label control panels and similar things?

Seamonster [quite a nickname]; I think you’re right, that Letraset only does “digital downloading” now, no dry transfers.
In this website, you can get transfer info…click on magazines-Model Railroader. From the left side menu, click on ‘construction projects’. Scroll down and there’s an item you can select “Dealers of Decals and Dry Transfers”…maybe one of them handles the sheets you need.
Happy New Year & regards / Mike

Thanks, Mike. Of all the manufacturers listed, Woodlands Scenics was the only one with sheets of letters. I’ll have to check the hobby shops to see how big the letters are–probably not big enough for control panels. Will likely have to use clear computer labels for that, but the clear part shows and looks ugly. BTW, “Seamonster” is an in joke between my daughter and myself and when I started using e-mail she suggested it for my nickname and I use it now for all my informal electronic correspondance. Happy New Year and thanks. Bob

Bob; you might try the www.woodlandscenics.com website.[It’s not opening up this morning, but I have visited it before].
There’s a “contact us” email link, and you can ask what sizes they actually make…their catalog listing isn’t very clear.They may have sizes your hobby shop isn’t aware of?
They are courteous and will respond to your email.
Good luck / Mike

HI:another place or company you may want to try,is “CENTURY.com”,i get there catalog’s in mail all the time,but they have number’s of all size’s.,i have number’s from them that we are going to use on our O-GUAGE LAYOUT…HUB

sorry,i was wrong ,it is “CENTURYPHOTO.COM”,but they dont have numbers,just got one of their catalogs,so i must have bought them at STAPLES or alike store>>>>>>>>HUB

I use the Woodland Scenics sets. They offer sets with the same font in 4 or 5 sizes - handy to have some of these around for lettering jobs.

CDS also make alphabet sets, in addition to their line of railway dry transfers. They have various fonts, colours and sizes.

Inter-Hobbies distribute CDS in Canada; I don’t know who has it for the USA now.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I should get something out of all this. Should keep me busy for a while. Thanks again.

Try www.modelgraphics.com they do dry letter transfers I’ve had sucess with