DT-400 Flashlite? (Duh! The power button...Crisis managed)

I have had a Super Chief DCC system for almost three years now and I was looking thru the Manual last night and ran across the fact that my DT-400 has a built in flashlite. The diagram in the manual shows the Lite bulb on the end but nowhere does it show how to turn it on and off (that I saw anyway). Something so simple but I can’t figure it out. Maybe someone out there can help me out. I don’t really need it but it would be nice to be able to use it if need be. This certainly has the potential of being embarassing.

Edited to minimize the Embarassment!

I think ya just pu***he power button.

The power button turns it on and off.

Well just had a temporary brown out and lost the internet for awhile. Found an actual DT-400 manual and you folks are absolutely correct…The ole Power button. Thanks for your help. Who would ever thought a power button would turn on a lite??? Just kidding! Well now I can get on to more important stuff like finishing up my signalling system for turnout position.