Has anyone had a similar problem?
I have a simple folded dogbone continuous loop, no turnouts or sidings yet, powered by a Digitrax Super Empire Builder. When I accelerate or I am just cruising with a sound equipped loco and train, my DT-400 all of a sudden will drop to zero speed and stop. Other trains running on the DT-400 are not affected, and I can immediately start up again. It does not appear to be with any one loco either.
Am I somehow overloading the throttle or could there be a problem with the DT-400?
Did you mean that the throttle display reduces by itself to show “00” or that the engine slows to a stop by itself while the display does not change?
And, welcome to the forum.
It’s probably not a lack of power, more like there may not be enough feeder connections to the track to distribute the power. As the electricity goes thru the track over a distance, it loses power to resistance. Sound engines can use a lot of juice, if you don’t have power connections wired to the track at least every 4-6 feet, the engine may not get enough power and will shut down as you describe. I had a similar problem when I first added a section to my ‘under construction’ layout and tested it. A sound engine would get to the end of track and start to die and restart. I added feeders to the new section and now it works fine.
Do you have another throttle addressed to that loco like a UT4? If so, there is a conflict and the behaviour is exactly as you describe.
David B
If the speed displayed actually goes to 0, then indeed you have the same loco selected on another throttle and not dispatched, or it’s in a consist that’s still seelcted on another throttle or just not dispatched. See the back section of your manual for instructions on how to clear the ‘slots’ in your command station, this will resolve the problem. And rememebr to follow the instructions for releasing or dispatching a loco when you are done runnign it to avoid future problems.
you’ve probably got the same loco address running at the same time due to one of them not being properly dispatched as a previous replyer stated. you can also use the db150 option switch #39 to clear the memory in the command booster. look in the db option switches in the back of the manual.